Certified Peer Specialist TRAINING COURSE

Feeling inventory (from Center for Nonviolent Communication) AFRAID apprehensive dread FATIGUED beat

EMBARRASSED ashamed chagrined flustered guilty mortified self-conscious DISCONNECTED alienated aloof apathetic bored cold detached distant

SAD depressed dejected despair

burnt out depleted exhausted lethargic listless sleepy tired weary worn out PAIN agony anguished bereaved devastated grief heartbroken hurt lonely miserable regretful remorseful

foreboding frightened mistrustful panicked petrified scared suspicious terrified wary worried ANNOYED aggravated dismayed disgruntled displeased exasperated

despondent disappointed discouraged disheartened forlorn gloomy heavy hearted hopeless melancholy unhappy wretched CONFUSED ambivalent baffled bewildered dazed hesitant lost mystified perplexed puzzled torn VULNERABLE fragile

distracted indifferent numb removed uninterested withdrawn DISQUIET

frustrated impatient irritated irked ANGRY enraged furious incensed indignant irate livid

agitated alarmed discombobulated disconcerted

TENSE anxious cranky

distressed distraught edgy fidgety

disturbed perturbed rattled restless shocked startled surprised

guarded helpless insecure leery

outraged resentful AVERSION animosity appalled

frazzled irritable jittery nervous overwhelmed restless stressed out

reserved sensitive shaky YEARNING

troubled turbulent turmoil uncomfortable uneasy

contempt disgusted dislike hate horrified hostile repulsed

envious jealous longing nostalgic

unnerved unsettled upset

pining wistful


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