Certified Peer Specialist TRAINING COURSE

Describing a person

Deficit-based language

Strengths-based language

Schizophrenic, borderline, bipolar, hoarder

Person diagnosed with… Person who experiences the following… Person in recovery from… Person living with…

Addict (when used by people without lived experience), junkie, substance abuser

Person who uses substances Person living with addiction Person in recovery Person working on recovery Person participating in services Person with lived experience

Consumer, patient, client

Frequent flyer, super utilizer, a regular

Frequently uses services and supports Is resourceful A good self-advocate Attempts to get needs met

Describing Behavior

Deficit-based language

Strengths-based language

Good/bad, right/wrong

Different, diverse, unique

Suffering from

Person is experiencing, living with, working to recover from Person is experiencing strong emotions Person is upset/angry/overwhelmed Looking for support, looking for connection Having a hard time Specify unsafe behavior Person who has experienced incarceration Person disagrees with diagnosis Person sees themselves in a strengths-based way Resourceful; trying to get help; able to take control in a situation to get needs met; boundaries are unclear; trust in relationship has not been established; learned to navigate the world differently Constraints of the system don't meet the individual's needs; preferred options are not available; services and supports are not a fit People should not be reduced to acronyms; describe behaviors that are threatening Person is aware of their rights, empowered, self- advocate Person is trying new things that may have risks, exploring recovery pathways Barriers, needs, opportunity to develop skills

Acting out, "having behaviors"


Criminal, delinquent, dangerous

Denial, unable to accept illness, lack of insight


Oppositional, resistant, non-compliant, unmotivated

Danger to others, danger to self, general danger


Puts self and/or recovery at risk

Weakness, deficits


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