Certified Peer Specialist TRAINING COURSE

What can a certified peer specialist do? The bottom line is that a certified peer specialist can adopt and fully integrate a trauma- informed approach to maximize the healing impacts of peer support. Let’s begin thinking about how this might be accomplished. Here are the fundamental processes of peer support. If a trauma-informed approach is fully integrated, it will be at the center of the work. O pen Questions, A ffirmations, R eflections, and S ummary (OARS) skills and self-disclosure are tools for effective communication in a trauma-informed approach.

These are the six key principles of a trauma-informed approach, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Cultural, historical, and gender issues

Empowerment, voice, and choice


Peer support

Trustworthiness and transparency

Collaboration and mutuality

VIDEO: “5 Tips for Being an Ally” – Chescaleigh



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