Self-Survey – Part 1 Reflect on your skill level of these behaviors. This self-survey will not be collected.
Certified peer specialist has the ability and willingness to… Recognize when one is feeling tired, angry, sad, etc.
Not Skilled
Slightly Skilled
Pretty Skilled
Very Skilled
Be mindful of nonverbal emotional cues with an awareness that these can also be misunderstood (eye contact, facial expression, tone of voice, body posture, movement and gestures, rate of voice, etc.). Keep calm and stay present in situations of stress. Talk about personal history. Receive constructive feedback. Communicate without inducing fear, guilt, and shame. Set boundaries and articulate when they have been violated or invaded. Practice self-care and community care. Discuss emotions while at work. Take time away from work to connect with people and activities. Which skills do you wish to develop further?
What is your first step to develop these skills?
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