Certified Peer Specialist TRAINING COURSE

Initial Meeting (Core Competencies: 1.2; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4; 3.5; 4.8) Consider the following elements of an initial meeting with a new peer. Introduction

There is only one chance to make a first impression. Be ready with an introduction of yourself and your role as a certified peer specialist in a way that fosters connection. In the space below, write what you might say. Consider including the following elements in your introduction: • A little about yourself. • Your interest and curiosity in the peer’s perspectives and lived experiences. • Your role in peer support to listen, collaborate, and empower. Use OARS skills Use OARS skills for rapid and powerful connection by asking connecting open questions, looking for strengths to affirm, and offering reflective listening statements to demonstrate understanding. There is a tendency to want to start with chat and small talk. This approach may have its advantages at times and in various settings. However, opening with casual chat and small talk can at times have the unintended effect of promoting some initial disconnection. Remember, the first part of listening is making the decision to listen. Listen to the peer, reflect understanding, and let them guide the nature of the initial conversation. Mention any limitations or service duration Your employing agency may have guidelines governing the duration of time that a person may be enrolled in services. For example, some crisis services programs limit service duration to six months. It is useful to discuss any limitations to services in the initial meeting. Confidentiality discussion Bring up the topic of confidentiality, outlining what is held in confidence and the limits of confidentiality informed by the Wisconsin Certified Peer Specialist Code of Ethics and your employer’s policies and procedures. Ask the peer what they understand about confidentiality. Peers often have an excellent understanding of what confidential means and that can be affirmed. However, be ready to supplement the peer’s understanding with the limits of confidentiality.


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