King's Business - 1924-03





T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

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Cu r r e n t C omme n t l i m i

ritory in Africa, which belonged to Ancient Rome, Surely and swiftly events are hurrying towards the revival of Rome.—“Watch and Pray.” CALL a SPADE A SPADE! Loyal citizens who lately objected to the public indorse­ ment of Eugene V. Debs were not in conflict with the right of free speech. The radicals who tried to make this an issue are well aware it was only a subterfuge. Debs has no more right to preach doctrines aimed at the destruction of the present form of government than has an I. W. W. agitator mouthing rebellion in a cruder and wilder shape. It is time to be frank and to call a spade a spade. The Pinks who are boring from within are as distinctly a menace to the peace of the republic as the Reds who are raging from without. There are times when the line1of least re­ sistance is the line of greatest folly. To be silent before a campaign directed against the continuance of constitutional government is a craven attitude of semiacquiescence. A man is either for or he is against the principles on which the republic is founded. A moderately good American is as comprehensible as a moderately good egg.—Los Angeles Times. THE ANTICHRIST In centuries, past, .there have been many,men who claimed to be Christ, but who ever heard- of a mao who claimed to be the Antichrist? But there actually is a man on earth today who claims to be the Beast of Revelation 13. His name is Aleister Crowley, the organizer of a Devil worship­ ping sect. Some time ago he was conducting his cult in Detroit, but the authorities put an end to his devilishness in the United States, and now he has set up his “abbey” or temple, in italy. He dresses in scarlet so as to pose as'the scarlet Beast of Revelation. He also has a woman with him, who also dresses ,in, scarlet,. and says,:she is, the Scarlet Woman -of Revelation. ■" ' I '"‘i - 'n* .¿’'-'V, He has written a book which he calls the “Book of the Law.” The first, chapter contains 66 verses. He says that this book was dictated to him word for word, by the Devil, and that the Devil appeared to him personally. The creed of the “Beast” and his cult is, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” Observers have declared that this man is indeed a “Beast,” having gone “down to the lowest depths that human depravity can reach.” The “holy of holies” in his abbey is filled with the vilest kind of pictures, and the language .used in his Devil inspired book is unspeakably vile and horrible. This man has several things in common with the Anti­ christ. He is a Beast. He is scarlet. He is a Devil wor­ shipper. He is in Roman territory. He has a scarlet woman. He is a “vile person” (Dan. 11:21.) And his law is “Do as you will,” the very policy of the Antichrist, who will do “according to his will.” (Dan. 11:36.) But this “Beast” is not the Antichrist. The Antichrist will not' come like the Devil. He will counterfeit Christ and Will be worshipped by the whole unsaved world. This man is a' counterfeit Antichrist.

LABOR CONDITIONS IN ENGLAND The fifty-fifth Congress of Trade Unions which met at Plymouth, was confronted with the significant fact of the loss of over two million members within the past two years —the last quarter alone showing a loss of about 700,000. There is evidently a steady withdrawal of support; and in- téiiigent working-men can hardly be blamed for declining to follow leaders who, in some cases, show a sad lack of the influence which such men should exert. Possibly the greatest national problem of today is that of unemploy­ ment, yet the President of the Trades Union Congress had nothing to say on this gravé -economic question. Instead of dealing with realities, this leader of working-men found satisfaction in repeating the commonplaces of park orators. Surely it is time that those who aim at leadership should look facts in the fact, and cease from broadcasting diatribes which become pointless through excessive repetition. Not by enemies of the working-man only is the conviction now being held that mutual antagonisms and jealousies spell certain disintegration, while acrimonious charges of treach­ ery flung by delegates across the Congress floor are painful tokens of a spirit of dissension which must of necessity bring weakness , and disorganization in its wake.—The Christian., : i ; RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE IN RUSSIA (There is nothing in Russia the Bolshevists hate more bit­ terly than the Russian church. They have done everything mortals could do to wreck or ruin it. They have taken from it all it is possible to take. They have attacked it in blasphemous and malignant newspaper articles to which the church was allowed no replies. They have used every un­ derhand method to break the morale of the priesthood. They have closed their schools and ostracized their teach­ ings. They 'have 'murdered c'ountîeéé'priëst'S,' thirty bishbps and two metropolüians. They havë stripped the churches and the homes of the priests of ali portable property.* They have eût off communication bëtwëtènuthelëKufrchës and con­ fiscated thé Offertoriësl What has been the only discernible effect of this mass of persecution? Groups are organizing all over Russia to support the church and to supply its priests and ministers with the necessities of life. But most significant is the fact that the latest converts come largely from the “intellectu­ als,”—Los Angeles Times. THE ROMAN EMPIRE The following is taken from the daily press: “With the recent conquest by the Italian troops of Misurata, the last vestige of the ‘Republic of Arabia’ disappeared and with it the last hopes of the Arabs of Northern Africa of establishing an independent Arabian state on the Mediter­ ranean coast. From the entrance to the Mediterranean, at Gibraltar to the ëXit by way of Suez Canal, the entire North­ ern African coast is now in the hands of Euroepan powers.” If you will look at the map of the ancient Roman Empire in the back of your Bible, you will see that Rome was not only in Europe and Asia, but it included all the territory in Africa, along the Mediterranean Sea. And now Italy, which represents Rome, has' secured the last strip of ter­

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