King's Business - 1924-03


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


O u r Y o u n g P e o p l e

Its advantages are many. ANY believer may do it. Special training is not necessary; may be done anytime, certain stated times have no place in this method of work; may be done ANY where,—Church and Sunday School or any other buildings are not necessary. It is direct,-^— answers the questions and meets the needs of the one dealt with. The only hope, until our Lord returns, of successfully reaching any field or community is by the personal effort of every Christian in the field to win individuals to Jesus Christ. Shame upon any Christian who does not know how to point a soul to Christ! Matt. 4:19; Dan. 12:3; Psa. 126:5, 6; Eccles. 11:1, 6; Tit. 2:15; 2 Tim. 4:2. MARCH 30, 1924 Topic: What Missions Have Done for Social Welfare Isa. 1:16, 17; Luke 7:18-23. The great, primary purpose of missions is evangeliza­ tion, not civilization, but the whole social life of a nation or people always changes when the Gospel is introduced among them. Schools, hospitals, orphanages, libraries, halls of justice, etc., all are important and inevitable by-products of mis­ sions. The man who is brought into right relationship with God soon gets into right relationship with his neighbor. The definite acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ by an individual brings that individual into the place where his every problem may be solved—social, financial, domestic, as well as spiritual problems. The reason for poor social conditions is SIN—the Gospel is the only remedy for sin, and so evangelization is the quickest and surest method of promoting social welfare. Christ in the heart always produces love for others, and love always seeks the highest welfare, in every way, of the one loved. Matt. 6:33; Phil. 4:19; Psa. 85:12; Psa. 111:10; Psa. 119:130; Psa. 144:11-15; Prov. 14:34. APRIL 6, 1924 Topic: In His Steps.'No. 4. How Jesus Loved and Served. John 11:3-5]; ..M&rk 10:42-46. . | God is iovb-—God' inanifestdd in the fldsh shows us what love is and how it serves. A study of His earthly ministry teaches us that Jesus:— Loved His Father. John 14:21-31; John 15:10. Love must manifest itself so His love to His Father is shown in these passages: John 6:38; Phil. 2:8; John 10:15-18; John 4:34; John 5:30. Loved His Friends. John 11:5, 33-36; John 15:15; John 19:26. Loved His Mother. John 19:25-27. Loved Children. Mark 10:13-16. Ilk Own Church. John 15:9;John 13:l;John 14:21; Eph, 5:2, 25. His Enemies. Luke 23:34; Rom. 5:10. Sinners. Rom. 5:6-8;Matt. 9:13; Luke 19:10; Gal. 2: 20; Luke 15:4; Matt. 23:37; Matt. 14:14; Mark 6:34. Jesus served in love, self-sacrificial love, even unto death. His service was first for the glory of His Father and then for the good of men and women. He served: His Father. John 8: 29, 30, 38; John 17:4 with John 19:30. Mankind. Luke 15:4-7; Mark 6:34; Rev. 1:5; Matt. 15:32;John 13:1-5; Rev. 1:5; Matt. 14:14; Matt. 20:28; Heb. 2:14, 15; Col. 2: 14, 16. Note Heb. 13:8; Rom. 8: 35-39; Heb. 7:25; Luke 12:47. (Current Comment)

COMMENTS ON C. E. TOPICS Rev. V. V. Morgan MARCH 0, 1924 Topic: Dangers of Trifling with Life, God, and the Son!. Acts 26:28-32. Luke 12:15-21. Misused privileges always bring loss, but trifling with the greatest of our possessions invariably results in incal­ culable and irreparable loss, Trifling with earthly things may result in temporal loss, but trifling With life, God and the soul mean an ETERNAL loss. Time is given to us but once. This life is our ONLY op­ portunity—if life is trifled away we are doomed. Eternal destiny is settled in this life. We have only ONE soul. If we trifle with it, neglect it, befoul it, deaden it, and finally damn it in hell, we will never have another soul. There is only ONE God and if we do not submit to His Word and His will (see John 6:28 and 1 John 3:23) then we must submit to the rule and sway of Satan. God must not be trifled with! See Dan. 5:23; Heb. 12:29; Ex. 34:7. The spirit of trifling with sacred and holy things is pre­ valent today and is very alarming. God has placed red signals of warning along the highway of the centuries— Acts 24:24; Acts 5:1-11; Acts 12:20-25; Heb. 12:16, 17 (see Gen. 25); 2 Chron. 26:16; 1 Chron. 13:9; 1 Sam. 13:8-17; Lev. 10:1, 2; Lev. 24:10-15; Rom. 6:23. MARCH 16, 1924 Topic: The Bible in All the World. How It Is Sent Forth, and What It'Does. Psa. 43:1-5. The map of the world is a study in black and white. The white places are the places where the Word of God is held forth. The British and Foreign Bible Society, the American Bible Society, the Bible House of Los Angeles, and similar organizations have been largely responsible for the sending forth of millions of copies of the Bible, in over 700 different languages to all parts of the world. _v , Much of the work has been done by colporteurs. ■>These are men who go out, carrying the Scriptures with them, with but a small salaryr and. frpm hpuse to house, selling or giving away .the Bible in the language- of’ the people. They live lives of suffering, hardship and persecution— often unappreciated by the Christians in the homeland be­ cause the results are often not as large or as tangible as the results of resident missionary work. They are the pathfinders—the trail-breakers for the missionaries. Wherever the Word of God goes the same results follow. Life in place of death. Light scatters the darkness. Lib­ erty is given the slaves. Love supplants hatred. Woman­ hood is ennobled and exalted. Nations are transformed. Individuals are regenerated. Rom. 1:16; 1 Thess. 2:13; Isa. 55:ll;Heb. 4:12; James 1:21; Luke 8:12; Matt. 13:1-23; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17. Jer. 23:29. MARCH 23, 1924 Topic: The Personal Touch in Winning Others to Christ John 1:40-51; James 5:20. The God-appointed and God-commanded business of EVERY believer in Jesus Christ is that noblest and best of ALL service—the winning of others to Christ. Salvation is never brought to a soul except through some human instrumentality. The personal method of winning others is the most prac­ tical and fruitful method, often succeeding where all other ways fail.

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