King's Business - 1924-03



K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

T h e C h i l d r e n ’s G a r d e n ‘ Sophie Shaw Meäder

My Dear Army of Bible Students: One reason that-1 am calling you an army is that l ean almost hoar the tramp, tramp of your feet as you march towards sunny California, from all over the United States and Canada to join our “Red Book Club.” And another reason is that you are fighting the great monster Sin, as you hide God’s Word in your hearts, for you remember our Motto is PsA 119:11. My little friends, I have such good news to tell you that

studying the Bible lessons given in The; Children's Garden and wished to. join the “Red Book Chib." And would you like to know the wonderful news in the other two letters? The, girls said that they were carrying their Bibles and The King’s Business to day school so that they could get their lessons on the “Life of Jesus,” after they had learned their other lessons. All the sadness in my heart melted away and I was “glad, glad, glad” ! ' ' And I am still glad and wish you to-share my happiness.

my pen cannot travel fast enough, so I am writing with a pencil. The postman has been dropping so many letters in my mail box lately that I imagine he. is . begin­ ning to think that I really am that old woman, who had so many children she didn’t know what to do. When I wrote to you in January, I had heard from only nine States in the. Um ion and tw.o Provinces in Canada. Since- then; I have received letters' from Prince' Edward Island1and .Alberta in Canada, and from Kan­ sas, S o u t h Dakota, West V i .r g i n i a„ Pennsylvania, South -Carolina, ?0 r e g o n, Iowa,’- and -Idaho.

What a wonderful old world we would have, boys and girls, if you would alt do the' same thing that those girls in Ohio are doing. Soon you will be the men and women of the world. If you will carry your Bibles with you now and store your minds With Bible verses, you will make one of the strong­ est armies that this world has ever seen, for you will be marching behind a King who never knew defeat— King Jesus. How many are anxious to join this army? That’s splendid! I see ev­ ery hand raised. Then ev­ ery one Of you must get someone else, to join this army that we already have. We; now have seventy-seven enlisted. But perhaps there will be one hundred by the time you read this, for my calendar tells me that I am writing to you on the 15th day, of: December. And I must get this letter to the printer by the 20th of De­ cember, or it will be too late for the March Chil­ dren’s Garden. That .would never do, would it? So I’ll hurry to tell you of a little plan I have for you.

From My Letter Box It w as very kind of y o u to pu b lish T h e C h ild ren ’s G ard en in T h e K ing’s Business. I th o u g h t th e editors fo rgot th e children. A nd o th ers too, b u t y o u have not. My friend arid I ta k e Bible an d K ing’s Business to school a n d w hen w e a re n o t b usy w ith o th e r les­ sons, get th e K. B. lessons in school. H ulda B adertsacker,: (A g e 1 0), O hio. W hen I w as read in g in Ja n u a ry ’s issue, I w as so rry th at th ere w as no le tte rs sent to you from K ansas. Betsy De R idder, (A g e 9 ), K ansas. M any tim es 1 read on. It seem s ju st like a long in terestin g story. R u th Schw aberland, (A ge. 1 {) , / C olorado. I, too, am glad th a t m y pupils a re anxious to tak e the Bible study. T h e re a re te n w ho a re now doing this w ork. . M any schools in K ansas have a re g u la r Bible Study C ourse. W e a re p e rm itte d to read th e Bible in School a n d I ; left this w o rk to th e .desire of th e p u p ils an d th eir p a ren ts. . W e a re doing the w o rk in school, on F riday a fte r­ noons o r w hen th ey have e x tra tim e from o th e r les­ sons. F rom a K ansas school teacher. T h e K ing’s Business is now my favo rite m agazine. Ila W ood, A lberta, C anada.

Now I am going to tell you a secret,about two other State's. I was feeling very glad last evening that ¡1 had; heard from ■so many boys and .girls; but . there was a wee bit pf sadness mixed with iny joy.;, for I couldn’f help but wonder what the children were doing in all the other States, and espec­ ially in that great big State of New York. And then I remembered Ohio’s boys and girls, for so many big people come to California from that State, and yet,-«-I' had not heard a word from either. Ohio or New York. There was still a little sorrow in my heart this morning, as I sat by the window, looking down the street; when suddenly, I felt a thrill of pleasure for the mail-carrier came by and dropped’ two letters in my mail-box. And what do you thinks—one was from NeW York and one from Ohio! I was so excited that I could hardly wait to open them* Cbut When-'I did—¿out- dropped three letters;^—two froni'girls in Ohio arid the third from a little eight-year- old New York girl. She said she and her, brother were

How would you like to have a thousand-members in our •“Red Book Club?” Any one who is taking the Bible course- outlined in The Children’s Garden is a full-fledged member and is entitled to a red book- Here, is a problem in addi­ tion for you. If each of thé seventy-seven members gets two new members, and each new member gets two new members, and every one of the newest members gets Two. new members, how many members will there be in "Sur Club? If you can figure'this out write and tell me the answer,

(Continued on Page 191)

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