King's Business - 1924-03


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

“Stop! Look! Listen!”' One day a High school girl, who had recently come to Los Angeles was asked by another girl to “stop” for a few minutes and visit “The Euodia Club” which is a Bible Study Class for High school girls. She “stopped” and what did she see? A bunch of bright, happy girls, who one and all gave her a warm greeting of welcome. She not only liked the “look,” but stopped to “listen,” and this was her tes­ timony six months later, to the teacher. “I want to tell you that 1 was training for a professional dancer. But, something I hear/i in that lesson made me decide to give it up and to be out and out for Christ Jesus. When I first started in the Euodia Club I did not know one verse of Scripture. I had never read the Bible, it was an unknown Book to me. I learned to know and accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Then I began to study His Word in real earnest, and now I want to work for Him and give Him my life. “I can hardly wait for the time to take the training at the Bible Institute.” During the summer vaca­ tion several letters were received by the teacher from her. In one she asked for a class in Sunday School, saying, “Will you send me some literature, and above all, will you pray for me?” She ended her letter with Phil. 4:13. She had only two pupils in her first class, but she was so on fire for the Lord that the next Sunday she took twelve pupils with her. This meant real missionary work, as she had to wash and dress four of these, and two she kept with her all night, "so as to be on time.” A week ago the teacher had another letter in which this earnest soul said, “I know you will be glad to know my two sisters have accepted Christ,” which proves that the' Holy Spirit is working through her. She knows where to get strength and power. She prays, read the Word of God continually, and this girl who did not know a verse of Scripture won the Scripture Contest Prize before the class was closed for th,e summer. A Wonderful Cement There is a story of a man who went around selling penny boxes of a wonderful cement, guaranteed to mend any broken thing, especially family jars, and even broken hearts. The old man passed on, and buyers eager to try the cement, opened the box, only to find a wee scroll of paper on which was written the one word, “Love.” Some threw it away in disgust, others tried it and found it worked. The Bible Women are working in a sphere of broken homes, broken hearts, and broken lives, carrying the mes­ sage of Love, Light, and Life in Christ Jesus, truly the ce­ ment of God, the halm of Gilead and the antidote to the poisonous teachings of today. One day there was prayed into a class, an influential woman, a Christian Scientist. After coming two or three times she stayed behind and asked questions. Later, with her face all aglow, she said, “The light is coming back, the light is coming back. What I believed as a young woman, I now know to he the truth.” Through the teaching of the Word, light had come.

BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK M rs. L ym an Stew art, S upt.—Tw enty-five W om en E ngaged in H ouse to H ouse Personal W ork, Bible C lasses, and Soul W inning Clubs. The Transforming Power of the Gospel

' a marvelous transforming power the Gospel and how quickly It can transform the unhappy, less face of the worldling into a face of sweet :e and, radiant joy! Almost like magic the

Gospel works—quietly, consistently and surely until every trace of the old life has been erased from the countenance of the Christian. Into one of the High School classes one day a very un­ usual girl came. She was barely thirteen hut one talking to her would never dream that she was less than twenty. Sophisticated in all the pleasures of the world, saturated with a love for dancing, card-playing and theatres she seemed a very unlikely girl to accept the true way of sal­ vation and step out with the Lord into a new life. It seemed more hopeless still when after a personal confer­ ence of at least half an hour the young lady still insisted that she did not believe in eternal punishment and that she would never, never, never accept the Lord as her personal Saviour. The worker patiently and earnestly met every argument with Scripture and the very last thing before she left, gave her Scripture to meditate on during the week. At the close of the message the next week the first one to in­ dicate her acceptance of the Lord as her personal Saviour was this same girl. She has been in constant attendance at Euodia ever since and her spiritual development has been very marked. Gradually the things of the world have taken second, place until it is hard to realize that she is the same little world-weary girl who so recently stepped out into the glorious light of the Gospel. Human argument, in her case, flatly failed—the Word prevailed and she is now rejoicing in her new-found Saviour and Friend. In the same class there had been considerable annoyance to the girls by a group of girls who were antagonistic to the things of the Lord and who loved to gather at the cor­ ner and ridicule the girls as they came by on their way to Euodia. They had never been to Euodia hut had heard that it had something to do with the Bible—so they felt duly appointed to oppose in every possible way. One week, out of curiosity, they sent one of their members to Euodia to see what it was like and the very next week found the whole antagonistic group meekly (?) seated in the Euodia Class. Special prayer had been made for the message that week and by the end of the message several girls were manifestly under, conviction. When the invitation was given ten girls, the majority of which were from the for­ mer enemies, accepted the Lord. Since then the opposi­ tion from that corner, at least, has stopped and we are praying that day by day the deepening process will take place in their hearts and that the things of the world will slip gradually out of their lives.

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