King's Business - 1924-03

T he K ings B usiness Motto: *% the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it day and night.” Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING TH E BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES. T. C. HORTON, Editor-in-C hief R. H. RICHARDS, B usiness M anager CONTRIBUTORS DR R. A. TORREY DR. LEANDER S. KEYSER DR. J. FRANK NORRIS DR. JOHN MacINNIS DR. A. C. DIXON DR. CORTLAND MYERS DR. L. W . MUNHALL DR. F. W . FARR WM. JENNINGS BRYAN DR. CHARLES R. ROADS stan d s fo r th e Infallible W ord of God, an d fo r its g reat, fundam ental doctrines. to stren g th en th e faith of all believers, in all th e w orld; to s tir th eir h e a rts to engage in definite C h ristia n w ork; to acq u ain t th e v aried w ork of th e Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles; an d to w ork in harm ony an d fellow ship w ith them in m agnifying the w ork of o u r L ord Jesu s C hrist, an d th u s h asten H is com ing.

TH IS MAGAZINE ITS PUR PO SE is them w ith p erson and Volume XV

Number 3

March, 1924

T able of Contents

Editorials Page The Reign of a Righteous Ruler__...........l....................... ~...'...................131 A Confession of Faith, and a Call to A rm s..................................... ........ ..131 Modernism and Missions in Western India.......................... 11.................132 Fooling the Folks by Tampering with Term inology.......,..’................... 133 A Bishop Bows to Bolshevism............... .’........ ...................... -----................. 133 The Construction of Christian Character for Young People.......... ........ 134 Contributed Articles Pulpit, Pew and Company —Rev. Mark Matthews, D. D .........................................1 ....................135 The O ld Paths —Rev. A. S. H un ter.... ............. .............. .............................................. 1-37 Jesus C h ris t—The G reat Advertisement — Joseph A. R ichards.....................:.....................................................139 \ n Age of Bible S tudy — Rev. David Jam es Burrell, D. D ............. ............... .....................141 Why We Cannot Keep Silent . ■ — Dr. John Murdoch Maclnnis.................... . .......................................143 How to S tudy the Bible —The late Rev. W. J. Erdman, D. D ...................................................144 Current Comment ............ 147 The Family Circle..........................................................................................................149 Our Young People.......................................................................................................... 151 T h e Children’s G arden ......................................... 152 Pointers fo r Preachers and Teachers........................................................................ 15 3 Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China.............................................................. 154 Evangelistic W ork and Experiences......... ............................................................... 155 International Sunday School Lessons.............................................................. ....... 160 The Whole Bible S. S. Lesson Course................. 169 Bible Institute Happenings...........................................................................................182 Best Books .......................................................................................................................183 T h e Chosen People,th e Land and the Book (Jew ish N o te s)...........................184 Our Letter Box 186


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E ntered as Second C lass M atter N ovem ber 17, 1910, a t th e P o st Office a t Los A ngeles, C alifornia, u nder th e A ct of M arch 3, 1879. . A cceptance fo r m ailing a t special ra te of p o stag e provided fo r in Sectipn 1103, A ct of O ctober 3, 1917, auth o rized O ctober I, 1918.


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