King's Business - 1924-03

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Jewish friend in consequence. The friendship grew in the weeks that followed, and many opportunities for quiet talks with the daughter were taken advantage of to press home the great truths of Christianity. The time came when the many perplexities and doubts in­ volved were all swept away, and this young Jewish girl was face to face with the question of Eternity and where she would spend it. The bond between mother and daughter was a very close one and to decide for Christ (when she knew her mother would turn against her) was difficult in the extreme. Her heart was torn between loyalty to God and loyalty to her mother, and the battle was a hard one. One day as she pored over the Old Testament proofs of the Messiahship of Christ with the worker she faced the struggle anew. The 22nd Psalm was used of the Lord to bring such conviction of sin that she burst into tears, and then and there on their knees before the Bible she was lead to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. Upon acquainting her mother with the step she had taken she was most roundly abused and the Bible given her was burned. She was forbidden to associate with the Worker, and in many ways the mother sought to intimidate her. She refused to heed her mother’s advice, and against her ex­ pressed wishes attended one of our Hebrew Christian meet­ ings, where the testimonies of other Jewish Christians was a source of real encouragement to her. She there con­ fessed her faith in Christ and afterward acknowledged to her chum and her aunt the step she had taken. And when in her mother’s presence^ she confessed Christ to a physi­ cian, who called to attend them professionally, the mother fainted (or pretended to) and has since so worked on the girl’s sympathy as to make it exceedingly hard for her. The last move has been to force the girl to leave the business college, as she did not want her daughter to be under obligation to the hated 'missionary. We covet the prayers of God’s people on behalf of this new convert. ' .iv4. m M BIOLA HALL WORK D avid C ant, Supt.— O ur C ity M ission for Men in th e cen ter of Los A ngeles. M eetings continuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. A feeling of exhilaration sweeps over, one’s heart in the assurance that some soul has been lifted from the stoop and cramp of daily toil by a little act of kindness, and these seeds when watered in prayer and sown into hearts of those who have fallen by the wayside, maimed and halt and blind, usually pave the way for the deeper work of the Holy Spirit when accompanied with the word of life. The writer recalls one such little act which took place many years ago. As each successive Christmas has come around he has grown to search in the mail for a substantial money order which never has a return address upon the envelope but invari­ ably there rises up the sad forlorn face of one passing through the deep waters longing for the voice that is still and the hand cold in death. This is a little foretaste of all the future joy coming some glad day by the casting the bread upon the waters, for will not He whom the vast creation fills rise up and minister to those who have given to even one of the least of these? We recall another fine intellectual fellow who like so many of our visitors was “strictly up against it.” Wa of­ fered him the best we had in the way of hospitality and took him to the Lord in prayer; within twelve hours the

ample, one of the students has reported to us on the first visit she was received rather coolly and then the second and; third visit the woman said she was a Romanist and did not want to hear anything of our religion; that we did not be­ lieve in the Virgin, and ordered the student out. The student lifted up her heart to God to give her the right word to say and also to change the attitude of the woman, and after a bit the woman went to another room. The student followed and stood talking to her in the doorway. Finally the wo­ man asked the student to sit down, listened very atten­ tively and then said she would like to read a Catholic Bible, but not a Protestant. She confessed there were things in her religion she couldn’t understand and that they were not allowed to read the Bible under penalty of ex-com­ munication. But to make a long story short, she is now reading her Protestant Testament every day and is enjoy­ ing it, and on another visit from the student, received her with open arms, and said she was thoroughly convinced it was the Word of God. How true the Scripture which says, “The entrance of thy word giveth light.” How we praise God that we have the living Word, which is the Bread of Life, to give to these benighted and perishing souls. Please pray for the Ro­ manist that many may hear and believe God’s Word, and pray for us that we may extend His Word far and wide. WORK AMONG THE JEWS Jam es A . V aus, Supt.— Bible classes an d P ersonal W ork, S treet M eet­ ings an d Sem i-m onthly M ass M eetings for Jew s of Los A ngeles. Jewish hearts respond to the Gospel message when faith­ fully, wisely and lovingly presented by consecrated work­ ers. During the past seven weeks eight Jews and Jewesses have professed conversion. At the regular monthly Church Baptism service a few nights, ago three of our new Jewish converts were baptised, and will, on the first Sunday of next month, become members of the Church of the Open Door. Five or six additional new converts are expected to be ready for baptism at the next Baptismal service. The conversion of a Jew is not an occasion for general rejoicing in the average Jewish home; instead it is taken as the. greatest tragedy that can come to a Jewish family. To have one of their number become a Christian is to stand forever disgraced in the eyes of the Jewish community. Many of our new converts are at this writing passing through severe testing times. One, by reason of his con­ fession, has been threatened with being railroaded to the insane asylum, of losing a large sum of money due him, and of being cut off forever from his family. These new converts need our united prayers as they are passing through these troubled waters. Our Hebrew Christian worker in Long Beach reports with praise and thanksgiving the way the Lord is opening doors in that field. Access to many of the better-class Jewish homes has been secured, and many profitable inter­ views have been obtained. One little Jewish home visited revealed a case where the father had deserted the home, leaving the mother and 17- year-old daughter to support themselves. The daughter was working in a telephone office, but was hoping to be able to take a business course, which while it would bring no immediate return would later result in increased earning power. Through the Jewish workers’ influence a free scholarship in a good business college was secured for the daughter, and mother and daughter felt very kindly toward this new

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