King's Business - 1924-03

THE REIGN OF A RIGHTEOUS RULER There are heavy clouds in the sky today. Yes,— but behind the clouds the sun still shines. There are problems confronting us—difficult of solu­ tion. Yes,—but “ the Lord reigneth! He is clothed with majesty! The Lord is clothed with strength wherewith He hath girded Himself! The world also is established, that it cannot be moved!” God has not abandoned His throne. Lift up your heads! Satan is the god of this age,—yes, but he is not the god of the universe. “ The Lord reigneth; let the people tremble! He

A CONFESSION OF FAITH, AND A CALL TO ARMS The heading given above is .taken from a report of the Baptist Fundamentalist Conference held in Decem­ ber in Calvary Baptist Church, New York City. The New York daily papers gave stirring accounts of some of the addresses which we are publishing on page 145 of this issue. The assembly was evidently given no uncertain sound. Clear-cutting, close-fitting terms were used, and these must be used if the church is to be aroused to a consciousness of the peril that confronts it. T h e e n e m y i s

sitteth between t h e cherubims; let t h e earthbemoved!” The 3 h e r u b i m , w i t h spread w i n g s , are over the mercy seat where Jesus Christ p l a c e d H i s own blood. Let all peo­ ple tremble who are not washed in that blood and who are not under that blood. Judgment awaiteth them. The sorrow of sorrows is b e f o r e them. Pity them. These are strange days. Sin is ram­ pant. Men, women and children seem to be carried along by ah unseen current in­ to sin so foul and

pleading for us to use the dulcet, pia­ nissimo, tones when we speak of t h e m and of their vagaries w h i c h t h e y a r e broadcasting every­ where. They do not hesitate to insinuate that Christ may not have been v i r g i n - bom, but, of course, they do not c o me r i g h t out and say what that implies in c o mm o n parlance. T h e y do not s a y f r a n k l y that His statements were lies, but s u g g e s t that there is considerable doubt concerning the authenticity of His

EL-SHADDAI “ The God that is enough/’ Gen. xvn., 1.

Yesterday He helped me, To-day I have Him near; The Future Is in His own hands— What cause have I to fear?

(L. C . H.)

PAST. EBEN-EZER “ H itherto hath th e Lord helped us.” 1. Sam. vii. 12.

PRESENT. IMMANUEL. “God is with us.” Is. vii. 14.

FUTURE. JEHOVAH-JIREH. “The Lord will pro­ vide.” 'Gen. xxii 14.

M A R A N - A T H A ! “The Lord cometh 9f 1 Cor. 15:22

loathsome that we shudder at the sight. God is not in all their thoughts. We are crushed in spirit when We behold the course of crime as it sweeps into its mad­ dening stream the multitudes,—but “ The Lord reigneth; let the earth rejoice.” “ Ye that love the Lord, hate evil.” Shall we fall into fear lest the foundations fail, and we be lost in the ruins? Thousands of voices are lifted upv and ten thousand echoes come from the hills around us. There, is a moan and a sob and a cry from broken hearts and homes. The sky is darkened; the moon gives no light; the demons of hell are filled with delight; wicked men in places high and low urge their warfare with un­ ceasing zeal against our Lord,—but “ The Lord shall reign FOREVER: Praise ye the Lord!” The why, the wherefore of ten thousand things is _unexplained, but we can nestle close to Him whose wings are stretched out above us, and there is always the invitation, “ Come and shelter your weary soul.” He reigneth! We are His! He trod the wine-press for u s ! Let us ne'ver lose the upward look, nor the ability-to-voice the praises of Him who doeth all things well. “ Praise ye the Lord!”

recorded words. It certainly does try the patience of a saint to see the honey dropping from their lips as they fold the Bible to their bosoms and declare their love for it, in spite of the fact that it does not mean what it says. The New York World gave no account of the pro­ ceedings, but did publish an editorial criticizing our Baptist brethren for using harsh language toward the enemies of the truth, and says : “ Not one note of the humility of Jesus is found in the speeches of these men; not one note of charity; not one note of forgive­ ness; not one note of gentleness; but instead, curses and pugnacity, fire and brimstone, and all unchari­ tableness.” The editor no doubt meant well, but where were his gentleness and charity and forgiveness? He does not realize that it is a war that is being waged; that boys and girls and men and women are being deceived; that poison is being injected into the arteries of people, and that the paper with which he is" connected owes its existence to the Bible, for our country was founded on the Word of God.

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