King's Business - 1924-03

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


(Any book reviewed on this page may be obtained from Biota Book Room, 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles ) What Is the Matter with Protestantism? Rev. G. W. Ridout, D. D. An address given by Dr. Ridout at the com­ mencement of Asbury College, Wilmore, Ky., last May. Dr. Ridout is a Methodist minister and author, and in this message strikes at the very heart of the present conditions in the church. Speaking of the Modernists, he says: “These men dilute every distinctive Methodist doctrine. They de­ lude the Gospel of its apostolic power, the Bible of its divine inspiration, and hand back instead a Pentateuch without Moses, a theology without Wesley, a Christ without Deity, a creed without a dogma, a faith without divinity.” We wish we could send this booklet to every Methodist in the country, but we advise every one of our readers to pur­ chase and ponder it. Price 25 cents. Modernism and Its Re-Statement of Christian Doctrine: Is it the Truth of God? John Bloore. The author is a Bible expositor and presents Modernism, as taught by its most conservative followers, in the light of the Bible. One chapter entitled “The Bible: What It Is,” and also the chapter on “The Deity of Christ” are especially strong. A table of reference in the appendix adds to its value. We cannot too heartily commend this book, especially to niin- isters. ,(Loiseaux Bros.) $1.50. The Christian and His Money Problems, Bert Wilson, Promotion Division, United Christian Missionary Society. This is a text book on stewardship. Full of facts and sug­ gestions for leaders in church work. Should be in every church library and pastor’s study, (Doran) $1.50.

Modernism, the Peril of Great Britain and America, Dr. Arthur H. Carter, editor of The Bible Witness, England. This is a little brochure containing a story of Dr. Carter’s trip to America to attend the Fundamental Conference at Ft. Worth, and his visit to many sections of our country and Canada. Interesting and entertaining. Price 20 cents. At Home in the Bible, T. H. Darlow, M. A., for twenty- five years Literary Superintendent of the British and For­ eign Bible Society. Here are 74. helpful Bible meditations, adapted for family worship or personal devotions. The library table needs just such books. They serve to divert the mind from trifling things and direct them to eternal things. (Doran) $2.00. The Ways of Ah Sin, Charles R. Shepherd, Ph. D. This is not a missionary story but a practical delineation of things as they are in our land. It is not condemnatory of the Chinese people, but is a revelation o f;facts which are essential to a proper understanding of conditions which exist in what are known as “the Chinese quarters” in our great cities. (Revell) $1.50. Wonderful Bible Conversions, by Louis Albert Banks. The author has depicted the fourteen stories of Bible con­ versions related in this book in a graphic manner. Min­ isters and teachers will find this, account of conversions helpful for sermon use, or for illustrations. (Revell) $1.50. “Let Us Go On,” the Secret of Christian Progress in the Epistle to the Hebrews, W. H. Griffith Thomas. Like all books by Dr. Thomas, this one is of an exceptionally high order. It is not a commentary, but a tracing out of one of the main themes of the epistle,-r—the necessity and con­ ditions of spiritual progress. An enjoyable book, of great practical value. (B. I. Colportage Association ) 1 $1.50. Atheism in Our

The Kingdom of God, Francis Asa Wright, D. D. Dr. Wright divides his subjects under three heads,—“The Theocracy and Kingdom of the Jews”; “The Kingdom of God, or Heaven” ; “The Kingdom of Glory, or the Millen­ nium.” The plain meaning of Scripture is set forth with fine impartiality and the Old and New Testaments are blended in complete •harmony. We heartily commend it, (Revell) $1.50. The Passing of the Word, Helen Henshaw. A story of college life with the classic Hudson River as a background, dealing almost entirely with the psychological development of the principal character, Marion Mansfield. While the story purports to impart a serious message, yet there is a certain trend of humor throughout the pages. Interwoven is a love theme, by no means complex, but adding a certain charm to the volume, making it entirely natural and in keeping with the surroundings and environment. The book depicts the wholesome and typical American college girl of today who, with seriousness of character, can have as well the spirit of frolic, that may almost be termed a reminiscence of boarding-school life. (Biola Press) $1.50. God’s Best Secrets, Andrew Murray. Here is a book which every believer who desires a daily help for deeper spiritual life should have. The name of Andrew Murray insures the contents. There are 278 pages, with a message on each page, especially chosen for meditation and ar­ ranged under topics, as follows: Section 1: The Secret of Fellowship. Section 2: The Secret of Intercession. Section 3: The Secret of Adoration. Section 4: The Sec­ ret of the Faith Life. Section 5: The Secret of United Prayer. Section 6 : The Secret of the Cross. Section 7: The Secret of Abiding Peace. Section 8 : The Secret of Inspiration,—thirty-one messages under each section. Dr. Murray says

Universities, Alfred Fairhurst, A. M., D. Sci. This would be a very v a l u a b l e book for all inter­ ested in the evolu­ tion q u e s t i o n . Largely composed of answers to ques­ tionnaires sent out by Prof. Fairhurst in 1920 to various college and univer-. sity professors and educators,. and his comments on their replies. A splendid reference b o o k . (Standard Pub co.) $1,59.

in his introduction: “It has been my aim in writing this b o o k t o h e l p Christians to see the absolute neces­ sity of intercourse w i t h the Lo r d J e s u s . Without this, the joy and power of G o d ’ s Holy Spirit in daily life cannot be ex­ perienced. Ma n y of God’s children long for a better life, b u t do not realize the need of giving God t i me (Continued on page 192)


No more wasting of time and energy with concordances and other books. All the helps necessary for practical Bible study in one convenient volume. Self- explanatory. Contains a unique, easy reference system. No figures in text. Has a wonderful Text Cyclopedia containing many new and striking helpful features not to be found in any other book. Best Bible students agree that this is the very Bible that has been needed for years because it is so practical. Saves timeand labor. NO SEARCHING FOR REFERENCESANDHELPS Rapidly tak in g th e place of all other Bibles. U sed and praised by such m en as Dr. Chas. E. Jefferson, Dr. S. Parkes Cadman, Dr. W. H. Griffith Thomas, Marion Lawrance, an d scores of others. Let us prove our claims by those who use this Bible. Send for descriptive booklet and guarantee offer. B. B. KIRKBRIDE BIBLE CO., Dept. 3-K Indianapolis, Indiana

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