King's Business - 1924-03


T H E K I N G ’ S - B U S I N E S S

all Jewish effort in Palestine has inevitably arrived. It has come down to hard spade work, to the settling of Jews upon the soil, to building up in Palestine the Jewish economic position and to gathering in funds for these purposes. This is precisely the work which Zionists always contemplated lay before them sooner or later, and from many points of view they knew that it would be the acid test of the Move­ ment. The enthusiasm, the quick response of the masses to hectic appeals, the sacrifices necessary to the cause—all these are infinitely easier to invoke in the whirl and excite­ ment of historic happenings and epochal events. They are relatively more difficult in the days when the one thing needful is hard-grind labor, unaccompanied by the ap­ plause of the listening multitudes and cheers of mass meet­ ings. ate m Pill,PIT, PEW AM) COMPANY (Continued from Page 136) tion of the Holy Ghost, and, guaranteed to be successful. My friends, the time is at hand when the Church must go—must go to all the peoples. We must keep step with God in this corporation. Would you be a slacker, a dere­ lict in the supernatural corporation for' the salvation of the world—-would you? Ministers, let me say to you there was never a time when we should be more assertive than today. You are a rank failure if you utter a false note. Only God can save you. Pulpit, Pew and Company, what are you going to do about it? Let us pledge that we will evangelize the city, county and state, and equip our missionaries for better work than they have ever done. ENROLL! ENROLL! ENROLL! We wish you could read some of the letters which have been written us by the “Defenders of the Faith,” telling us how they are using the “Ammunition” sent them. One dear man who says he lives on the main street in his town, has fixed up a window in which the “Ammuni­ tion” is displayed, which attracts the attention of and invites inquiries from those who pass by. A splendid idea! If you have not yet sent in your name as one who desires to join in the battle against the destructive deniers of the Word of God— DO IT NOW! The “Ammunition” will be sent promptly on receipt of your name.

C are fu lly S e le c ted B o ok s B io la ’s Own P re s se s Is Salvation Safe? By K eith L . B rooks Do yo u know th a t you a re saved? w ith no possible chance of ever falling aw ay a n d being lo st? Is m y salv atio n really a n d tru ly alw ays safe? T his booklet will forever set y o u rig h t on th e su b ject of election, fore>orinatibn and kindred them es, giving th e tru e S crip tu ral teach in g in reg ard to them . P ap er, 25 c en ts; $2.50 p er dozen Key Words to the King’s Treasury B y C. E. P ax so n Watch Words for the King’s Servants From H oly S crip tu re By C. E. Paxson

B usy people,*' w ho find little tim e for a searching stu d y of God’s W ord, will find th is lit­ tle book helpful a s clu sterin g divine tru th a b o u t a single w ord w hich m ay be carried in th e m ind am id st all th e cares of w ork an d th u s afford hid ­ den m anna to th e soul. P u rp le B oards. G ilt Stam p. 15 cents Key Words Combine« By C. E A s p le n d id little g ift v o li p e c ia lly a p p r e c ia te d b y b u sy Purple Boards. Gilt Stamp. Jesus——the Prophet, Priest, King By D r. R . A. T orrey This rem arkable series of serm ons give a p ic tu re of o u r L ord Jesu s C h rist w hich is unique; tak in g up th e P ro ­ p hetic a sp e c t from th e Old T estam ent, including H is in ­ carn atio n , crucifixion, an d resu rrectio n ; th e P riestly a s ­ p ect of o u r L ord d u rin g th e p r e s e n t disp en satio n ; the K ingly a sp e c t settin g fo rth H is reign du rin g th e m illennial periods. (P ap er) 35c copy; (C loth) 65c By W . C. Stevens T his is one of th e v ery b e st sm all books on th e Second Com ing of C hrist— an d so d if­ ferent. It does n o t aim to be a tre a tise upon the L ord’s com ing. It m erely p asses on b its of revelation th a t seem to th e w riter to have been open­ ed up to him b y th e S pirit th ro u g h th e W ord. In these day s of so m uch w rong te a c h ­ in g of so-called K ingdom tru th , th a t is a book to be studied. Y ou will find it is exceptionally helpful. P ap er, 35 cen ts; cloth, 75 cents The Mark of the Beast Mysteries of the Kingdom

A com panion volum e to Key W ords, only th a t th e S crip ­ tu re s a re grouped aro u n d w atch-w ords. A very helpful little booklet in w hich to m any th e W ord contained therein h as pro v ed itself in th e pow er of th e S p irit o f God to be th a t W ord w hich is “able to m ake w ise u n to salv atio n th ro u g h faith w hich is in C h rist Jesu s.” P u rp le bo ard s, g ilt stam p . P rice 15 cents 1with Watch Woids Paxson im e f o r o ld o r y o u n g ,—-e s - w o m e n fo lk s . 25 cents Size 2%x3}& in. The Lord from Heaven B y S ir R o b ert A nderson The a u th o r’s forew ord says, “These pages seek to unfold th e d o ctrin e of th e Sonship, an d to call a tte n tio n to som e of th e in d irect testim o n y of S crip tu re to th e D eity- of C hrist. T he book is n o t con­ tro v ersial. It is a Bible study, an d if th e p eru sal of it pro v es as helpful to a n y a s th e w rit­ in g of it h as been to th e a u ­ th o r, its p u rp o se will be s a tis ­ fied.’* P aper, 25 cen ts N o one can ever thoroughly u n d e rstan d all of th e New T estam en t an d its c o rre c t teach in g w ith o u t u n d e rstan d ­ in g th e ty p es an d sym bolic fore-shadow ings. R iley tak es up th e p rin cip al ty p es and show s th e ir full significance in a v ery clear, y et exceedingly sim ple w ay. E very C h ristian w ho desires to know his Bible should have th is helpful book. P a p e r Bound, 40c by M ail P o stp aid Old Testament Types B y D r. W m . B. Riley


By Sydney W . W atso n T h ere a re b u t com paratively few people w ho u n d erstan d c o r­ rectly w h at th e Bible teach es concerning “th e G reat T rib u la­ tion,*’— th a t aw ful period of d istre ss th a t is com ing upon th is e a rth d u rin g th e tim e w hen th e A n tich rist will rule w ith u n ­ hindered sw ay. In “The M ark of th e Beast,*’ th ese fa c ts are m o st vividly p o rtray e d in sto ry form . So in terestin g is the sto ry th a t m any people read it th ro u g h a t one sittin g , only to tak e u p th e book a g ain to re-read once, tw ice an d possibly th ree tim es, u n til th e tru e teach in g of th e trib u latio n is so fixed in th e ir m inds th a t th ey will nev er fo rg et it. C loth, $1.25 If m oney does n o t accom pany o rder, goods will be sen t C. O. D. unless otherw ise specified. If books 'a rc to com e by m ail ad d 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

536 S. H ope Street,"

Los A ngeles, Calif.

D ear F riend: P lease enroll my n am e as a m em ber of th e m ove­ m en t to fight th e d estructive deniers of th e W ord of God a n d send m e suggestions fo r c arry in g on th e b a t­ tle in defense o f th e h o n o r of o u r L ord, o u r hom es a n d o u r children.

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