King's Business - 1924-03


T H E K I N G„’ S B U S I N E S S


C arefu lly Se le c ted B ook s sïïïï B io la ’s Own P re s se s Personal and Practical Christian Work By T . C. H o rto n Superintendent of th e Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles T his book, w hich is th e outg ro w th of over fo rth y ears of p ra c tic al w ork a s p a sto r, teach er and. p ersonal w orker, contains a s h o rt co u rse on Bible' doctrine. A th o ro u g h co u rse on how to deal w ith th e u nsaved of all classes (including follow ers of th e c u lts ) w ith helpful illu stratio n s an d ap p ro p ria te Bible read* S uggestions as to preaching, conduct of public services, m iscellaneous m eetings, house to house v isitatio n s, Sunday School w ork, etc. C loth, $1.50 The Prophet Jonah By D r. A. C. D ixon Sermon Illustrations of the Bible By K eith L. B rooks

H E H IK E S T H E N EW K . B . “Let me sound a note of praise to those who are sending forth the new King’s Business. Have taken quite a number of different religious periodicals in the last 30 years, but The King’s Business to me is the finest. I enjoy every copy.” —From Wesleyville, Pa. “ H OW R E A D E S T T H O U ? ” “I want to thank you and the great good Christian men who write for The King’s Business for the great peace of mind and happiness which I now have. In a little less than two months I will be sixty-three years of age, and I believe for the last thirty years I have tried hard to do what was right but had no peace of mind. But after reading The King’s Business for the last two years, and committing considerable of the same to memory, I be­ gan to thoroughly understand, realize and appreciate enough of the New Testament to know that ‘the blood of Jesus Christ cleansqth from all sin’ and to claim the prom­ ise ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thine house.’ The King’s Business has been a great blessing to me.”—F. B. M., Los Angeles, Cal. SC IE N C E AND H E A L T H D ISCA RD ED “In sending in my renewal for The King’s Business I want to tell you of one instance where the magazine has brought a family to the place where they want to study the Bible. They were going to take up Christian Science—had even bought a ‘Science and Health’ text book—when The King’s Business was sent to them by one of your students. They read the magazine and have since sold their Science and Health and are interested in the Bible. I know you like to hear of the good being accomplished by The King’s Business and I want you to know I am a booster for it. It is the best religious magazine I have ever read.” T H E M IS S IO N A R IE S A P P R E C IA T E T H E K IN G ’S BU S IN E S S Those of The King’s Business family who have contrib­ uted to the free fund for sending the magazine to mission­ aries will be interested in the following letter from Ven- zuela: “Let me tell you how timely your gift is. We have been for the last two years in Ciudad Bolivar, and while there had the privilege of reading The King’s Business, the miss­ ionary in charge receiving it through a friend in Western Canada. The Lord now has brought us on to this city of Barcelona, where there are no other Christians, and where the fight will be hard for some time to come. It seems to me as though you were Divinely led to favor us thus. We love the spirit of the paper. Many times have we re­ ceived fresh zeal to press on in the “fight of faith.” The manner in which you seek to extol the Bible above any other book warms the heart of the true child of God. We feel deeply grateful for the gift, and assure you that it is seed cast into good ground. These poor, benighted souls around will undoubtedly be benefited by what you are seeking to do for Him." Is it not worth while to have a share in such a blessed ministry? Contributions to this fund are always welcome, for we want to respond'to every call from the mission field. P R A Y S F O R T H E K IN G ’S B U S IN E S S DA ILY “We receive The King’s Business regularly and find great help and blessing through the ministry -of its pages. I daily remember you and your work at the throne of grace. Please pray for God’s work in this part of the country! ‘Mercy drops ’round us are falling; but for the showers, we plead.’ ” (From a Saskatchewan friend). We are sure a great many of The King’s Business Family pray that God will guide and bless its testimony, but we covet every member of the family in this blessed fellowship of intercession. “Prayer changes things!”

T h e rare ab ility of Dr. D ix­ on a s an expository p reach er is show n v ery clearly in the m asterly w ay he tre a ts th is unusually difficult subject. T his new book will give you th e S to ry of Jo n ah b ro u g h t dow n to date. Is n o t only in ­ te re stin g reading, b u t very helpful w ithal. P ap er, 25 cen ts

The a u th o r is of th e opinion th a t “T here a re no b e tte r serm on illu stratio n s t h a n th o se to be found in th e Bible itself.“ T o a ssist p eachers an d Bible teach ers in locating th e b e st of such illu stratio n s, he h as w ritten th is book. Il­ lu stra tiv e m aterial from v a r­ ious p a rts of th e B ible is grouped u nder topics a r ­ ran g ed in alphabetical o rd er for ready reference. The book is v ery brief, an d is m ean t to be suggestive ra th e r th a n ex­ h austive. Cloth, $1.00

The Return of the Lord Jesus By D r. R. A. T orrey

The -key to th e S crip tu re an d th e perfect a n d only solution of all o u r political an d social problem s. T rea ts especially of th e G olden A ge th a t is soon com ing to th is earth . The w on­ d rous tru th s of God’s w ord on th is m o st im p o rtan t event of unfulfilled S crip tu re a re . b ro u g h t o u t show ing th e im portance of th e tru th th a t o u r L ord Jesus^ is com ing again. T he c e r­ ta in ty of it. The m anner in w hich H e is com ing. T he resu lt of H is retu rn . The tim e of it. O ur at-titude to w ard it. The read in g of th is book w ill p rove an in sp iratio n to th e child of God, especially now w hen th is old w orld is in such turm oil. P ap er, 50c; C loth, 75c The Shepherd Psalm B y D r. R . A. T orrey Simple Lessons in Bible Markings

T his new devotional , com ­ m en tary on th e T w en ty -th ird P salm will be gladly w elcom ed b y all w ho a re fond of re a d ­ ing th is w onderfully co m fo rt­ in g ch ap ter. No p re sen t th a t you could m ake to an elderly C hristian w ould give m ore s a t­ isfactio n th a n th is. P rin ted from large, clear, easily read type. N eatly bound. P ap er, 25 cents

By K eith L . Brooks T here is no g re a te r in sp ira ­ tio n to Bible stu d y th a n a good sy stem of Bible m a rk ­ ing. It keeps sum m arized th e stu d y of y ears, so th a t th e g re a t nu g g ets of tru th th a t have been found, stan d o u t to be cau g h t by th e eye th e m o­ m ent th e page is opened. T his book gives full in stru ctio n s w ith illu stratio n s. P ap er, 25c

The Passing of “The Word”


T h e book depicts the w holesom e a n d typical A m erican college girl of today, w ho w ith seriousness of c h a ra c te r can have as w.ell th e sp irit of frolic. W hile th e sto ry p u rp o rts to im p a rt a serious m essage n ev erth ele ss th e re is a c ertain tren d of h um o r th ro u g h th e pages. T h e college girl*ssrhapsodies on flow ers an d am usem ents, and typical friendships th a t a re form ed, lend to th e n a r­ rative a n a tu ra ln e ss w hich is in every w ay pleasing a n d a p p ro p ria te . Interw oven is a love them e, by no m eans complex, b u t ad d in g a c ertain c h arm to th e volum e. T h e dialogue th ro u g h o u t is n a tu ra l and pleasing an d the m o ral elem ent is stro n g ly m arked. A n exceptionally h ealthy story. C loth, $ 1 .5 0 (f m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by «»»0 a d d 10% fo r postage. B I p L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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