King's Business - 1924-03


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

JESUS CHRIST—THE GREAT ADVERTISEMENT (Continued from Page 140) when He said,—“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” . Who W ill Buy? Here He is then, before us all,—the man of the Cross, the man made in the likeness of sinful snake-bitten flesh, God’s Great Advertisement of His only remedy for self and sin. Where is the man who, like my partner, with faith in his eyes and in his fist and permeating his whole being, will say in the tongue of modern speech, “I’ll buy that?” I tell you that man will go down to his home today re­ deemed, cured, saved from that dreadful virus which means death, eternal death to the man who won’t, buy Geo s remedy. Ah,—but you say,—that scene on Golgotha, when Christ was lifted up was,hundreds of years ago, and do you mean to tell me that I can derive any benefit by buying it as a remedy now? Ah, but you are mistaken. I am not ask­ ing you to look back to a dead past. Do you not know that there is no time in the consideration of a moral fact? Are you not aware that the Cross is a present fact, a pres­ ent remedy? See how the Apostle Paul confirms this in a letter written to the Galatian Christians many years after the historical and physical fact of the death of Christ. “Oh, foolish Galatians,” says he, “who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the truth before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth crucified among you.” “Cru­ cified among you!” Observe it well, right among you, while I was telling you the story, there was the Son of God crucified among you. Was not that a present fact then, and was it not a present fact again when only a few weeks ago in a little Mission in New York, I told this very story and lifted up this very Christ as Hoses' lifted up the Serpent in the wilderness,—was it not a present fact when three terribly snake-bitten men said with all the earnestness of desperation,—“I’ll buy that”? Was not Jesus Christ there and did not the look of faith cure? Yes, indeed it did, just as it has done in myriads of individual instances from the day when the thief on the cross alongside the Saviour ut­ tered his believing prayer, down to the present moment when any man or woman in this church may look at Him who was made sin for us and be made whole in that instant of faith. All Have Opportunity So then, we all have opportunity to be a Moses to—our day and generation, to our acquaintances and kinsfolk,—- to life up God’s Great Advertisement and remedy for self that has cured each man of the race who at point of perish­ ing, or anywhere, along the way of disease, has looked to Him for a cure. Yes, every believing man of us is a Moses in proportion as we have bought the remedy, have believed the fact, and we have the privilege, yes, and the responsibil­ ity to hold up the Christ, the Great Advertisement of the healing love of God. But, there’s a caution that must be uttered Jn this day of substitutes. Every genuine advertisement of standard goods carries a trade-mark of some kind, and the phrase is inyariably used in connection with it,-^j-“None genuine without this trade-mark.” So then, God puts His trade­ mark on the genuine Christian and also on every genuine advertisement of the divine remedy. And what is that trade-mark? Surely, in the light of all that has been said, —it is the Cross. Yes, but not the Cross alone, for then no man could see it. It would be shrouded in abysmal darkness and there would be no such thing as lifting it or

Unusually'Helpful Books B io la ’s Own P re s se s , __________*______ #_____________ How to Bring Men to Christ By Dr* R. A. Torrey T his is one of th e m ost p ra ctic a l boo k s on P ersonal E vangelism th a t h as ever b een w ritten , jj T h e a u th o r firet show s th e general conditions of success in brin g in g m en to C hrist. H e th en m akes p ra ctic a l suggestions co n cern in g different m ethods fo r b eg inning th e w ork, an d follow s this b y live m ethods fo r dealing w ith a variety of classes of people. 121 p ag es; p a p e r, 35 cents The Hidden Life By A dolph S aphir

Higher Criticism E d ited by D r. R. A. T orrey C ontains a series of excel­ len t p ap ers w ritten by Dr. W illiam G. M oorehead, C anon D yson H ague, F ranklin Jo h n ­ son, S ir R obert A nderson, G eorge F redrick W rig h t, M. G. Kyle, Dr. Jam es M. G ray, Jam es O rr, D r. R. A. T orrey, an d Prof. B. F. Warfield* T here a re trib u tes to C hrist and th e Bible by em inent men n o t know n as activ e C h rist­ ian s— q u o tatio n s from B enja­ m in Franklin, Thom as Jeffer­ son, D aniel W ebster, and m any others. 250 p ag es; paper, 25 cents

This books tre a ts th e g reat su b ject of th e C hristian’s h id ­ den .life and describes th e ex­ perienced reality of revelation an d of p ra y e r o r of com m un­ ion w ith God. It b rin g s fo r­ w ard in a special w ay the S crip tu re testim o n y of th e re­ ality of th e th in g s w hich a re freely given us of God in C h rist an d by th e S pirit. It is the b e st exposition of th e them e “ D raw nigh to God, and H e will draw nigh to you” th a t’ is in p rin t today. You will find it w onderfully helpful. 291 p ag es; paper, 25 cen ts

“In Christ Jesus”

By D r. A. T . Pierson T h is book con tain s a series of ‘‘key n o te” S tudies in the P auline E pistles, th e p h rase ‘‘In C h rist” being th e c en tral them e of each study. The a u th o r in his in tro d u ctio n say s,' “ W e see th e v ital im portance of th e p h rase ‘In C h rist’ in th e fa c t th a t these w ords unlock a n d in te rp re t every sep arate book in the New T estam ent. H ere is G od’s ow n key w hereby we m ay open all the vario u s doors and en ter all th e glorious room s in th is palace b eautiful.” If you like good B iblical in te rp reta tio n s th a t a re filled w ith real soul food, bu y th is book. C loth, $1.50 The Layman’s Handbook of Daniel By D r. G. A. Briegleb Scriptural Inspiration Versus Scientific Imagination M essages of th e G reat W orld F u n d am en tal C onference H eld in L os A ngeles.

M ost people th in k th a t D an­ iel is a v ery h a rd book to u n ­ d e rstan d a n d consequently th ey do n o t read it v ery often n o r u n d ertak e to stu d y it. T his new L aym an’s H andbook of D aniel is designed for ju st such av erag e Bible readers a n d stu d en ts. C hapter p by ch ap ter th e p rin cip al th in g s are tak en up an d explained — briefly, clearly, sim ply so th a t b y th e tim e you have finished th e stu d y of th e book you have a good u n d e rstan d ­ ing of all th e g re a t v ital teach in g s of th e prophecies of Daniel. P ap er, 50 cen ts; cloth, $1.00

T his C onference w as th e g re a te st ever held in m any respects. G reat in th e p e r­ sonnel of th e m en tak in g p a rt ;—G reat in th e m essages de­ livered— G reat in atten d an ce — G reat in in te re st an d en ­ thusiasm — G reat an d lastin g will be th e benefit on m any lives of those atten d in g . Tho m essages delivered a t the C onference cover a w ide range of fundam ental tru th , y e t all cen ter aro u n d one definite point, p ro v in g th e fallacy of the th eo ry of evolution. ________________ P ap er, 75 cents

In the Twinkling of an Eye B y Sydney D. W atso n

T he Second com ing of th e L ord is a v ery precious tru th to m any C h ristian s, and w ould be to m any m ore if th ey only u n ­ d erstood. Some a re adverse to stu d y in g th eir B ibles ju s t to learn th is p a rtic u la r tru th , b u t everybody will read an d enjoy a good, well w ritten sto ry . In th e Tw inkling of an Eye is an exceedingly in terestin g sto ry in w hich th e doctrine of th e re u trn of th e L ord is so in tim ately interw oven th a t th e read er a b ­ so rb s it, u tte rly unconscious th a t he is being ta u g h t,— so. th o r­ oughly does he becom e ab so rb ed in th e sto ry . It is ju s t th e book to p u t in to th e h ands of young C hristians, careless C h rist­ ians, nom inal C hristians. R ead it for yourself, an d th en you w ill u n d erstan d w h at we m ean. C loth, $1.25 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. unless otherw ise specified. If books a re to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage. B IO LA B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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