King's Business - 1924-03


T H È K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

AN AGE OF BIBLE STUDY (Continued from Page 142)

New and Important Books F rom B io la ’s Own P re s se s The Revival at Broad Lane By Kate Drew Here is the book that warms your heart. Miss D rew has provided a really ch arm in g b o o k for hom e reading. It is a sto ry of a series of w onderful re ­ vival services. W hen th e S pirit of G od lays hold of an individual o r comm unity, m iracles a re w rought, an d this sto ry is a recital of m iracles. If you w ish to stir u p a sp irit of revival in y o u r hom e ch u rch , this is th e book to c ircu late am o n g those w ho m ight be responsive. Cloth, $1.75 Matthew’s Gospel Self Interpreted A V erse by V erse C om m entary By K eith L . B rooks Satan

a hoe or a plane, rather than put on canonicals to preach infidelity or to prostitute his powers by advocating what he knows is either not so or not worth while. The Outcome What is to be the outcome of all this? Where such “Bible study” is continued its inevitable result is ecclesias­ tical insolvency. A business corporation is pronounced in­ solvent when its liabilities exceed its assets. On reaching that point it may as well go out of business, unless it is pre­ pared to recover lost ground by changing its methods. The liabilities of an avowedly evangelical Church are immense. It is under obligation to preach the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth—until the last man shall have heard it. Paul says, “I am debtor both to the Greeks and the Barbarians, both to the wise and the unwise; so, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you.” So much for the Church’s liabilities. Its assets are all reduced to one; namely, the Oracles of God. The Church is the sole depository of the Scriptures as the medium of information as to salvation for the chil­ dren of men. It follows that wherever there is a Church that has lost its confidence in the Scriptures, so that it can no longer base its teaching on divine authority, it is practically bank­ rupt. Its liabilities are immense and it has no assets. “Othello’s occupation’s gone.” It is like a commercial traveller who has lost his case of samples; he has nothing left but talk to travel on. In churches where this condition of things has come to pass it will be found that there are no revivals and few, if any, conversions. All the great revivals of history have been founded on the preaching of the Word of God. The great revival at the Water Gates in the time of Nehemiah, marked by the keeping of the Passover and a renewal of the Covenant, resulted from the fact that “the people gathered themselves together as one man to hear the reading of the Book of the Law.” The great revival in the reign of Josiah was the outcome of finding a dust-covered Bible in a storeroom of the Tem­ ple, which was read before the people with such effect that they rent their garments in token of repentance and re­ newed their loyalty to their ancestral faith. The great revival at Pentecost was due to the preaching of Peter, who in a historic resume of the Scriptures showed the people how they had rejected Christ, whereupon they were pricked to the heart and cried, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” so that thousands were gathered into the Church in a single day. There are no revivals in Bibleless churches. Moreover, where the Bible has lost its grip on the heart and conscience of the Church there will be found little or no sustaining interest in Missions. The two great words of the Gospel are “Come” and “Go;” and where there is no come there is no go. Our Lord said, “As the Father sent me, so have I sent you.” What for? “To seek and to save!” But obviously the commission is without power where there is nobody lost and therefore nothing to go for. Conclusion of the Whole Matter What, then, is the conclusion of the whole matter? The only “Bible study” worth while is that which opens the Book with a reverent desire to discover what God says, in order that it may be translated into the terms of common life; and the only “Bible Institute” worthy of the name is an institution true to the content of the Bible, and one

By Lew is S. C hafer T h is is afi outline of the S crip tu re teach in g on th e arch enem y of m en’s souls. It is b ased on th e a u th o rity of the S crip tu res of b o th th e O ld and New T estam en ts, being a b so ­ lutely unquestioned. Evidence is draw n from th e w ord of God alone, since no final lig h t can be found on th is su b ject o th e r th a n it has pleased God to reveal in th e Bible. T here is no discussion a s to th e a c ­ tu al existence of S atan, th is being b o th assum ed and ta u g h t from G enesis to R eve­ lation. 163 p ag es; 25c p o stp aid (p ap er)

A larg e p a rt o f th is com ­ m en tary is to b e w ritten b y th e stu d en t w ith th e help of th e S crip tu res them selves. T he S p irit of God is th e safest teach er of th e W ord an d th e W ord itself is its ow n b e st com m entary. T hese studies will serve to deliver th e read ­ er from m any stra n g e notions of m en an d enable him to find in M atthew 's Gospel a book p u lsatin g w ith p ra c tic al help­ fulness for everyday life. P ap er, 50 cents

Ransacking the Scriptures

By Keith L. Brooks T his is a book w hich every C h ristian should possess a n d c a rry w ith them . It contains Bible R ules for Bible S tu d y ; alp h ab etical a rra n g em e n t of im p o rta n t Bible c h ap ­ te rs; n um b er of c h ap ters in each b o o k ; key n o te of each b o o k ; key v erse of each b o o k ; C h rist in e ach b o o k ; o u t­ w a rd divisions of th e B ible; sp iritu al conclusion of each b o o k ; im p o rta n t facts a b o u t th e Bible; dispensational divisions; pro o fs of in sp iratio n s; index of all Bible events. It is a topical a n d alp h ab etical a rra n g em e n t of all Bible stories, enabling one to tu rn in stan tly w ith o u t th e use of a C oncordance, to an y in cident o r im p o rta n t them e. Paper, 25 cents The Stronghold of Truth The Time of the End As Seen by Daniel By W . E . C aperton The Peerless Poems of David the King A New Metrical Version of the Psalms By Miss Jane Copley E v ery o n e w ho h as ev er en jo y ed reading th e P salm s in th e p ro sa ic K ing Jam es version will all th e m ore th o r­ oughly enjoy th em in th e ir new poetic form . A ll the o u tstan d in g featu res of th e Psalm s— P raise, A d oration, W orship, T hanksgiving— seem to be m ore th o ro u g h ly em phasized in p o e try th an in p rose. Miss C opley has literally sp en t m any y e ars of h e r life in these Psalm s, stu d y in g th eir every featu re. A n d as a resu lt of these y e ars of application, we a re able to offer th e finest poetic v ersion of th e Psalm s th a t has ever b een issued. Splen­ didly p rin te d from larg e clear bro ad faced type on a su p e rio r quality of p a p e r an d well bound. C loth, $1 .7 5 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. unless otherw ise specified. If books a re to com e by m ail a d d 10% fo r postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. By W . H . Griffith Thom as A v ery able defense of th e Bible a s th e W ord of God. This stro n g h o ld of tru th is treated ,— first, a s a revela­ tio n ; second, as an au th o rity ; th ird , a s a m essage; fourth, a s a pow er; fifth as a book to be co n sisten tly studied. P ap er, 25 cen ts A v ery well w ritten book dealing w ith tw o im p o rtan t prophecies, D aniel 7:1-28 an d D aniel 9:24-27. It' m akes a splendid in tro d u ctio n to the stu d y of th e R evelation. You will find it v ery helpful indeed. P ap er, 25 cents

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