Each boy at his best. Strategy 2020
These are the character attributes we believe will enable our College graduates to flourish. Through their College experience, enhanced by our current strategic themes, we will support and guide our students to reflect... The Christ’s College Graduate
Compassion & empathy The action of caring and concern for the suffering and misfortune of others, and the ability to understand, share and respond to the feelings of others.
Courage & resilience Having the mental and moral strength to venture, persevere, withstand danger and confront fear or difficulty, combined with the ability and capacity to respond positively to setbacks and adapt to changing circumstances.
Enterprise & curiosity A readiness or daring to engage in a project or undertaking that is especially difficult, complicated, or risky, and a strong desire to understand and learn something new.
Confidence & humility Possessing an optimistic perspective and certainty of purpose, balanced by a modest sense of self-importance.
Self-awareness A conscious knowledge of personal character, strengths, weaknesses, abilities, beliefs and emotions.
Personal excellence The ongoing desire of the individual to develop and empower their character, gifts, talents and relationships to the fullest, achieving a harmony in how they think, feel, believe and behave.
Interpersonal skills The ability to communicate or interact positively and
meaningfully with others and to present oneself with appropriate manners and regard.
A disposition to serve A willingness to selflessly help and do work for the benefit of others, the community and the environment.
The capacity to lead and follow
Global and bicultural competence The knowledge, skills and open- mindedness necessary to navigate and engage with today’s interconnected
The ability to influence and initiate by action or example, balanced by the understanding of when to be guided, to conform, to heed or to observe.
world – both in a global and a bicultural New Zealand context.
Each boy at his best. Ma te ahurei o te rangatahi, ka arahi i o matou mahi “Let the uniqueness of the student guide our work.” Mission Bene tradita, bene servanda “Good traditions, well maintained.” Motto
Christ’s College will be a vibrant school community that educates boys to be men of virtuous character who make a positive contribution to society.
As a community of parents, staff and students, we are Virtues
committed to fostering the development of character through nurturing seven core virtues. These virtues underpin our approach to all aspects of College life, including pastoral care and discipline.
Honesty Being truthful and sincere in words and actions.
Spirituality Appreciating that in seeking a fullness of life we need to look beyond our material needs and wants.
Compassion Being generous towards those less fortunate than ourselves.
Respect Cultivating an attitude of respect, for ourselves, for others, and for our school and community.
Learning Striving to become independent, lifelong
Stewardship Recognising the good we have received from the past so that it may be preserved or enhanced.
Justice Accepting people’s differences and being fair in all our dealings with others.
learners, and recognising the right of others to learn.
Strategic Themes
Health & Wellbeing College will ensure its practices place health and wellbeing at the forefront of our culture as we acknowledge its centrality to a good life both at and outside the school. The primary focus will be on embedding the principles of Positive Education across all College programmes.
The College Experience College will ensure, through internal reflection, external audit and ongoing development that the unique College experience is understood and supported by our entire community and is one of equity and excellence for all. This focus will apply to all academic, co-curricular and
Innovation and excellence wrapped in tradition. Strategic Environment
Financial freedom Quality teaching and learning Collaboration and partnership Marketing and communications Policies and practices Digital services Infrastructure Strategic Enablers
pastoral programmes across College and will reflect our faith-inspired Anglican foundation and the bicultural context of a modern New Zealand school.
Each boy at his best.
Pastoral Care
The IDEALS of Round Square College embraces the ideals of the Round Square collective of schools and in doing so creates opportunities to build character and
Personalisation College will personalise its programmes to the extent that each individual comes to know themself, their strengths and abilities, and the paths towards the realisation of their best. This will be a collaborative process involving students, staff and parents, and the best of modern technologies and pedagogy.
to better prepare students for the challenges of a globally oriented future. The IDEALS of Round Square are: Internationalism, Democracy, Environmentalism, Adventure, Leadership and Service.
Positive Education
E: info@christscollege.com T: +64 3 366 8705 www.christscollege.com
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