Each boy at his best – Strategy 2020

Strategic Themes


Health & Wellbeing College will ensure its practices place health and wellbeing at the forefront of our culture as we acknowledge its centrality to a good life both at and outside the school. The primary focus will be on embedding the principles of Positive Education across all College programmes.

The College Experience College will ensure, through internal reflection, external audit and ongoing development that the unique College experience is understood and supported by our entire community and is one of equity and excellence for all. This focus will apply to all academic, co-curricular and

Innovation and excellence wrapped in tradition. Strategic Environment

Financial freedom Quality teaching and learning Collaboration and partnership Marketing and communications Policies and practices Digital services Infrastructure Strategic Enablers

pastoral programmes across College and will reflect our faith-inspired Anglican foundation and the bicultural context of a modern New Zealand school.

Each boy at his best.


Pastoral Care

The IDEALS of Round Square College embraces the ideals of the Round Square collective of schools and in doing so creates opportunities to build character and

Personalisation College will personalise its programmes to the extent that each individual comes to know themself, their strengths and abilities, and the paths towards the realisation of their best. This will be a collaborative process involving students, staff and parents, and the best of modern technologies and pedagogy.

to better prepare students for the challenges of a globally oriented future. The IDEALS of Round Square are: Internationalism, Democracy, Environmentalism, Adventure, Leadership and Service.

Positive Education

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