King's Business - 1967-11


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u _i U I U _l U I U -1 U I U -I U I U _J U I U _l U I U -J U I 0 _l U 1 U A COM PAR ISON OF WORLD R E L IG IO N S Henry J. Heydt paperback 1.75 Eleven world religions survey­ ed and compared with Chris­ tianity, covering history, sacred writings and doctrines. W ITNESSES Ted Den cher paperback 2.50 A personal testimony of one who was freed from this error. Clarifies the vital issues. 1.75 One of the best books avail­ able on the subject of holiness, written by a founder of the Keswick Convention. FROM YOUR LO C A L C H R IST IA N BOOKSTORE CHRISTIAN LITERATURE CRUSADE FT. WASHINGTON, PENNA.19034 L h c l c m c l c h b c l c m c l c h J THE KING'S BUSINESS IS AN IDEAL GIFT FOR YOUR PASTOR. 0 CHRISTIAN COUNSELING A staff of sixteen dedicated Christian psycho­ logists and professional counselors plus one full­ time medical doctor. Evaluation and therapy for personality, emotional, behavioral, spiritual, pre­ marriage, marriage, parent-child, vocational, and educational problems. Fees are minimum. DR. CLYDE M. NARRAM0RE, Director PHONE 288-7000 THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELING CENTER 1409 Walnut Grove Rosemead, Calif. WHY I L E F T JEHO VAH ’S THE LAW OF L IB E R T Y IN THE S P IR IT U A L L IF E Evan H. Hopkins

facts! photos! archae­ ological 1 discoveries!


DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX I read this column with much inter­ est as I love studying the Bible and spend two hours usually each morning doing that very thing. I do so enjoy the magazine and con­ sider it the best all-around Christian magazine published today and I agree with it every word. Mrs. William W. Peck, San Francisco, Calif. M ISSIONARY USE You will be interested to know1 that we have heard from more than 20 peo­ ple who have sent back issues o f THE K ING ’S BUSINESS MAGAZINE to us follow ing our letter published in your “ Reader Reaction” column. One fam ily was kind enough to send six years o f back issues. Also, some includ­ ed the BIOLA BROADCASTER with which we were not fam iliar, but which has been a real help to us. The first copies o f these were an inspiration to a Filipino radio preacher who has a daily program and is always on the alert fo r good topics. These give him a wealth o f ideas. W e are p l a n n i n g our bi-monthly meeting with pastors and Bible women. For the second time, we can supply about 70 workers with back issues of THE KING ’S BUSINESS fo r their libraries. No doubt they will be read many times and cherished fo r years to come. Those who send magazines are also becoming prayer partners in the work o f the Lord here, an unexpected bless­ ing for us. W e thank the Lord fo r this open door here in the Philippines and fo r the response that your readers have given to our work. E d it o r ’ s N o t e : Rev. and Mrs. Jenista serve with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism, and have ex­ pressed a desire for old copies of THE KING’S BUSINESS MAGAZINE to be given out to the spiritually hungry people with whom they have the privi­ lege of working. Check with your local post office for the most economical, rates. Then see what publications you might have available and ship them to these sincere workers. If you have other missionaries for whom you are praying, why not send them back issues of the magazine,- or better yet, a current sub­ scription? Rev. and Mrs. Frank R. Jenista, Box' 119, Iloilo City, Philippines

NEW REVISED EDITION HALLEY'S BIBLE HANDBOOK The “most trusted Bible guidebook ever pub­ lished” over 2,000,000 in use, is now even more useful, more fascinating than ever! The latest discoveries of Biblical archaeologists including an up-to-date article on the Dead Sea Scrolls, new maps of the Holy Land, recent photo­ graphs, a Church History, an enlightening Commentary on every book of the Bible and a complete history of the Bible are included in this revised edition of Halley’s Bible Hand­ book. From first page to last, Halley’s Bible Handbook is the “most effective aid to Bible reading available,” Dr. Daniel A. Poling, Christian Herald. Examine your exciting new copy today! A PRIZED POSSESSION— A PERFECT GIFT. Cloth $3.95; Deluxe $5.95 Sold through your bookseller A Z O N D E R V A N Rgn PUBLISHING HOUSE • GRAND RAPIDS, M ICH. 49506 —

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