King's Business - 1967-11

FALSE REPENTANCE includes six other sermons such as “ True and False Conversion,” “ Justification by Faith,” “ The Way of Salvation,” “ Legal Experiences,” and “ Christ Our Advocate.” In the Revival series the volume entitled TRUE SUBMISSION contains the follow­ ing chapter titles: “ True Charac­ ter,” “ Selfishness,” “ True Submis­ sion,” “ Love,” “ Public Opinion,” “ Self D en ia l,” and “ Following Christ.” — Cloth; Kregel Publica­ tion; Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.50 each or $17.50 for the complete set. Reviewed by Gerald L. Gooden, Reference Librarian, Biola College. BOOK ENDS (A Review of Current Publications) NIGHT SCENES OF THE BIBLE by F. E. Marsh. 131 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. Reissue of a series of messages by a deep Bible scholar of a generation ago. THE PROPHETS IN OUTLINE by Roy Clark Maddux. 110 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. This is really a book ot outline, nothing but! It will be found suggestive for study and preaching. CHRISTIAN ETIQUETTE FOR TEEN-AGERS by Floyd D. Carey, Jr. 100 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.50. Covers ten areas of life, including poise, courtesy, conversation, eating, and driving. Very practical. SHARE MY MEDITATIONS by Catrina Parrott Whaley. 116 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. Fifty-five short but stimu­ lating devotional presentations using a thought, some Scripture and a poem. KIND WORDS FOR SAD HEARTS FOR TIMES OF BEREAVEMENT. 132 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. A collection of thoughts in prose and poetry designed to pro­ vide solace for heartache. 201 SERMON OUTLINES by George Brooks. 110 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. Reissue of the edition of 1863. Needs an index of texts and subjects. WE WANT TO LIVE by Robert Crosley. 95 pages; paper; Inter-Varsity Press, Chicago; $.95. Friendly chats about some of the great issues of life: purpose, life, God, sin, peace, and service.

book reviews by Arnold D. Ehlert, Librarian, Biola College

ed by some allusion as each prayer is studied. He was a Greek student who had a way of bringing out the meaning of the original language without being pedantic. Highly rec­ ommended. — 351 pages; c lo th ; Moody Press, Chicago; $4.95. Re­ viewed by Gerald L. Gooden, Refer­ ence Librarian, Biola College. There are seven volumes in this series of sermons by one of Ameri­ ca’s greatest scholar preachers who flourished in the mid-nineteenth cen­ tury both as a revivalist and early president of Oberlin College in north­ ern Ohio. The seven volumes are divided into two groups: Evangelistic Ser­ mon series including SO GREAT SALVATION, THE GUILT OF SIN, TRUE AND FALSE RE­ PENTANCE, and GOD’S LOVE FOR A SINNING WORLD; and Re­ vival Sermon series, consisting of VICTORY OVER THE WORLD, TRUE SAINTS, and TRUE SUB­ MISSION. The title of each volume is taken from the first sermon se­ lection or a representative sermon from among the selections. The vol­ ume with the title TRUE AND The Charles G. Finney Memorial Sermon Library

Gleanings From Paul by Arthur W. Pink

The sub-title of this book from a prolific pen and fertile fundamental mind is “ Studies in the Prayers of the Apostle.” The Foreword indi­ cates that the contents originally were pu b lish ed in the periodical Studies in the Scriptures and are only now coming out in monographic form. The author has thoroughly studied all of Paul’s writings and indicates not only the recorded prayers which one finds in Ephesians 1 :20-23; 3:18- 21; Oolossians 1:9-10 and other Scriptures, but also general allu­ sions to prayers or thoughts of praise Paul had been w r it in g to the churches or individuals. The latter are illustrated, and benedictions are also included. The work is typical of Pink’s writings in that he goes as far as is possible in exhausting his subject and in interpreting Scripture by Scripture. There are thirty-three prayers cited and analyzed in this compila­ tion, the greatest weakness of which is that there is no index. Pink was a thorough-going Calvin­ ist and dispensationalist, and an out­ spoken one at that. These character­ istics of his convictions are illustrât-

PARENTS! Don't miss the special P A R E N T S ’ S E M I N A R

Saturday, January 20, 1968 • Held at Campus Crusade for Christ • Arrowhead Springs, San Bernardino, California

Rev. C. Chester Larson 866 North Glenhaven Fullerton, California 92632

« 4 . 0 0 per person (includes lunch). • Church staff half-price.


Please register_____________ people fo r the Parents' S em inar on January 2 0 , 1 9 6 8 .

Enclosed is $ N am e_______ Address_____ City_________ S tate________ .V__________

Dr. Henry Brandt

Prof. Howard Hendricks




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