King's Business - 1967-11

For Teachers and Parents? Yes! Egermeier’s is parent and teacher approved for children so what makes bet­ ter sense than for teachers and parents to use it them­ selves? It also makes an e x c e l l e n t g i f t o r awa rd especially for Christmas! Here’s what they say:

of them believe as I do but were afraid to confess it because of Miss Landon’s disdainful atti­ tude.” “ It is good for a young Chris­ tian to have to stand alone,” said Mr. Davidson. “That is what makes one grow strong. A lone tree on a hilltop grows much stronger than one that is shielded by others in the forest because it has to meet the storms alone. And who knows but that your clear testimony may yet be the means of winning many of your class­ mates to Christ?” “ Oh, Daddy, that would be wnderful!” Hope exclaimed, her blue eyes brimming with tears. Hope prayed long and earnest­ ly that evening before retiring. “ Lord, Jesus,” she whispered, “ I thank Thee for helping me to say the right things in class today. It was all of Thee, dear Lord Jesus. If I shall have another opportu­ nity to witness for Thee, speak through me, Lord, and oh, please let me win some of my girl friends for Thee . . .” Hope returned to school the next day with a song on her lips as well as in her heart. The Lord Jesus seemed to be walking at her very side and a great peace filled her soul. She felt no fear now of encountering Miss Landon again, even though she might be asked to give further “ reason for the hope within her.” There was a strange stillness in the room as the biology class was called to order. Hope thought, as she glanced around the room, that the girls were unusually sober to­ day. She didn’t feel sober at all. On the contrary, she felt as light as the fleecy clouds she could see floating in the blue sky outside the window. As the class bell rang, Miss Landon stepped to her desk and the roll call was given. Then she said, “We really didn’t cover much ground in our biology les­ son yesterday. We did some side­ tracking, it seems. Miss Davidson, did you finish what you had to say (Continued on p. 46)

cm Uil “ This book combines all the excitement and adventure of a children’s book with excellent scholarship worthy of our best translations . . . valued assistance for students of any age who sincerely wish to know the message of the Bible.” — Senator Mark O . Hatfield “We have looked into and had many others, but find none as good for us as the book by Elsie Egermeier.” —Mrs. E. S. Pollack, Boston

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