PNW-ISA Find An Arborist Directory May

TABLE OF CONTENTS PNW-ISA’S Find An Arborist directory is a helpful resource to identify ISA Certified Arborists for hire. Members are located throughout the PNW region (Alaska, Ida- ho, Oregon, Washington, and British Co- lumbia, Canada) and beyond. This is not a complete listing of ISA Certified Arbor - ists nor is it a tool to verify credentials. In- stead, this should be used as a reference to find qualified individuals in your area for the services that you need assistance with. To locate an arborist in your state/prov- ince, please view the pages identified be - low.

Canada British Columbia Arborists ..................... 3

United States Idaho Arborists .................................... 15

Oregon Arborists ................................. 22

Washington Arborists .......................... 40

Outside of PNW Region ...................... 74

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