The P.E.O. Record May-June 2022

MEMBERSHIP by Tonia Bohnen, Organizer, South Carolina State Chapter Transferring ANote about Transfer ( t rans · ​fer) According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word transfer is defined as “to convey from one person place or situation to another.”

In P.E .O. , transfer is def ined as moving membership from one chapter to another chapter. Transfer allows a sister who has moved to keep her membership and join a chapter in her new location. As simple as this sounds, a transfer can create two sets of polar opposite feelings for an unaffiliated sister who is considering a transfer. For example, she is excited about joining and meeting sisters in a new chapter; however, it can also create sadness in having to leave a beloved chapter. Transferring to a new chapter is not easy, nor is it done without careful thought and consideration. Yet, a transfer is something all unaffiliated sisters should take to heart as it is not only beneficial to the sister in making new bonds, it is also beneficial for the Sisterhood as a whole.

From the chapter perspective, while having a sister “Transfer Out” can be sad, the chapter also knows the sister is continuing in P.E.O. and still participating in the mission. For the “Transfer In” chapter, it is exciting to have a new sister! It is also fun to learn about another chapter’s traditions and fundraisers that might be employed by the “Transfer In” chapter. A transfer in can contribute new energy to the chapter and provides opportunities to create a new bond. All chapters should make a monthly effort to check the Unaffiliate List and to invite unaffiliate sisters to attend their meetings and social gatherings. The sisters on the Unaffiliate List need a new P.E.O. home and should be welcomed to their new community, too. A simple phone call, visit or email can make the difference in a sister’s life, especially if she has just moved from a familiar home to a new state or community. Just remember, a friendly voice or visit amongst the chaos and unfamiliar can bring happiness. Transfer. When it is used in P.E.O., it should be viewed as a celebration of our bonds of sisterhood.

Here are just a few benefits for considering a transfer: • The unaffiliated sister expands her circle of sisters and creates new memories • It helps the unaffiliated sister transition to her new community with an automatic group of sisters to surround her and welcome her to a new home • The unaffiliated sister honors her previous chapter by continuing to participate in the Sisterhood they invited her to join While it is tempting not to transfer and keep membership in the chapter with letters that are engraved on the back of our emblem, becoming part of a new chapter allows you to continue in the fellowship of our Sisterhood. Isn’t fellowship the heart of P.E.O.?


May–June 2022 | THE P.E.O. RECORD


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