The P.E.O. Record May-June 2022

GALLERYOF presidents

Stephanie Gunderman Arkansas Inspiring Brilliance Stephanie Gunderman grew up in Little Rock and has a B.A. from Hendrix College, with an emphasis in accounting. She passed the CPA exam in 1996 while working as an auditor with Deloitte & Touche. Stephanie met her husband, Kenny, while the two were students at Hendrix. They moved to New York City in 1998, where they lived for 12 years. Stephanie and Kenny will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary in July 2022. Stephanie was introduced to P.E.O. by several swimming buddies and was initiated into Chapter BV in Little Rock in 2013. One sister-in-law is also a P.E.O. in Arkansas, and one of her nieces (and flower girl in Stephanie’s wedding) is a P.E.O. Educational Loan Fund recipient. While in New York, Stephanie rekindled her love of acting and earned her membership in the Screen Actor’s Guild playing a background nurse on “All My Children.” She has performed on several stages in Little Rock and served on the Board for the Arkansas Repertory Theater. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, bicycling with Kenny, camping and traveling. Stephanie believes strongly in P.E.O.’s mission and our Objects and Aims. She is proud and honored to serve on the Arkansas State Chapter Executive Board!

Heather Hankin British Columbia

Peggy Mitchell Delaware P.E.O., Aspire to Inspire Peg Mitchell was born in Huntington, West Virginia. As a daughter growing up in a military family, she spent her early childhood years living in multiple locations, including Puerto Rico. Her family settled in Delaware when she was still in elementary school. Peg loved growing up in a military family and the feeling of community. Peg worked at Wilmington University for 17 years and held the position of assistant vice president of academic support services. Prior to that, Peg served over 20 years as the executive assistant to the president and assistant corporate secretary for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Delaware. Peg has her bachelor’s degree in accounting from Goldey-Beacom College, Wilmington, Delaware, a paralegal certificate fromWidener Law School and her master’s degree in administration of human services fromWilmington University, New Castle, Delaware. Peg and her husband, Dave, have three children and five grandchildren and one very old dog and three cats. Peg enjoys teaching and continues to serve as an adjunct instructor at Wilmington University. In 2014- 2015, she served as president of the National Learning Centers Association and continues to volunteer as a reviewer for learning centers from higher education institutions applying for the learning assistance of excellence designation. She loves swimming, reading and especially spending time with family and friends.

Let’s Dance, with Love Heather Hankin was initiated into her mother’s chapter, BI, Watertown, South Dakota, and received a 50-year Golden Girl certificate in British Columbia as a Chapter AE member. She has lived in six states, three Canadian provinces and four countries. She holds a B.A. and an M.A. in theater, the latter from the University of California, Davis. Her career includes teaching theater classes in high schools, colleges and universities; establishing the visitors’ center at a scientific institute near Vienna; working as a television casting director, director and producer for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; directing professional theater productions in Vancouver, Toronto and Calgary; opening and managing the Canadian Education Centre in Singapore; and marketing international education for Langara College in Vancouver. Heather was working as co-chair of music and entertainment for the International Convention in Vancouver when a P.E.O. sister introduced her to the most wonderful man in the world. They married in one of the 25 regional parks he established as Manager of Parks for Metro Vancouver. They have one daughter and three grandchildren in university. In retirement, they walk, garden and Scottish country dance. P.E.O. is a precious gift.


THE P.E.O. RECORD | May–June 2022

Women helping women reach for the stars

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