The P.E.O. Record May-June 2022

P.E.O. | authors

Lisa Laue Moreland DW, Caldwell, Kansas, wrote “Seven Miles from Asphalt: Lessons Learned on a Family Farm”

Misty Urban JR, Muscatine, Iowa, wrote “MY DAY AS REGAN FORRESTER”

Donia S. Eley and Grace Toney Edwards AB, Radford, Virginia, edited “Writers by the River”

Myra Alley Kingsbury DG, Ponca, Nebraska, wrote “Mawzy’s Hope Chest”

Cathy Collison AO, Grosse Pointe, Michigan, co-wrote “Meet the Pets: Presidential Animals from A to Z”

Gail Lee Cowdin CX, Bella Vista, Arkansas, wrote “Little Dee 7: A Handbell Story”

Kate Nixon DU, Venice, Florida, wrote “Dear Fellow Cancer Warrior: For You on Your Path to Discovery”

Elizabeth Darin OO, Frankfort, Illinois, wrote “Reunion”

Jennifer Tousey XW, Los Angeles, California, wrote “Sarah Had a Little Plan”

Darleen Anderson FU, Springfield, Missouri, wrote “Flip Flop and Don’t Stop”

Loretta Johnson DU, Normandy Park, Washington, wrote “Bridge of Demarcation— An Atlanta Odyssey”

Catherine Clover CX, Burlingame, California, wrote “The Queen of Heaven”

Michaela A. Culkin AD, Leavenworth, Kansas, co-wrote “OCD and Marriage: Pathways to Reshaping Your Lives Together”

Karla Hynes AZ, Creston, Iowa, wrote “Pass It On”

Mary Christopher V, Des Moines, Iowa, wrote “OUR FRIEND SITTING BULL: The True Story of a Pioneer Couple’s Friendship With the Famous Lakota Chief.”

Beth Lehr Smart “Karen Lander” HO, Denver, Colorado, wrote “Trans Parent Diary: The Story of My Transition When My Daughter Became My Son”


May–June 2022 | THE P.E.O. RECORD


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