Joe's Farm

Claire Fenster

Grade Five

“ Hi, my name is Neli. I am a turkey. I lived on Turkey Farm. The farmer there almost killed me. Here is how it happened, ” said Neli.

I was walking along Turkey Trail when I saw a couple of turkeys wandering along the road. I said, “ Hi, what brings you to Turkey Trail? ’’ They said,

“ Oh, we were just out for a walk. Would you like to join us? ’’

I said, “ Yes. ” We talked for the rest of the afternoon and then we had dinner. I learned their names and coop numbers. It was so much fun. I fell asleep so happy that night.

We wanted to escape because every morning when we get up, we do a head count, and then one turkey gets cooked. I didn ’ t want to get cooked, so my friends and I decided we didn ’ t want to be there. In the morning, we decided to find a way to escape that night. I was so happy that we could find a way to escape. That evening, I creeped out of my coop. I was walking along the trail when I saw a hole in the fence just big enough for me to go through, but then farmer Joe came along and saw me. I tried to run away, but he already got me. He was so mad he put me in the room where you get cut into pieces and die. I was so scared I was shaking, so he put me back in my coop and said, ” Don ’ t ever do that again! ” The next morning, I woke up in fear. I told my friends what happened, and they said we should go through the hole again. That night, we snuck out and went through the hole. We made it! We found a hotel and hung out there.

When I got to my room, I was so tired I took a long nap. I knew I would never forget how kind my friends were and how, if they hadn ’ t helped me, I would not be here now.


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