Why the Husky is Black
Gabe Stern
Grade Four
A long time ago, there was a dog named Husky. He had pointy ears that stuck straight up. He had
bright blue eyes and a long fluffy tail. Husky ’ s fur was plain white. All of the other dogs had black fur.
Husky liked that he was special and different from the other dogs. Husky lived in a dark cave all by
himself. Husky stuttered, “ I am so lonely, but I ’ m too scared to get my white fur dirty. ” He did NOT
like to get dirty!!!! He stayed home all day long.
The other huskies asked, “ Husky, why don ’ t you ever leave your cave? ” Husky announced, “ I want
to keep my fur clean, not dirty like you other mutts. ” The other huskies were like, “ Suit yourself, but
you are going to get bored and lonely all by yourself. ” The other huskies were right. Husky did get
bored and lonely staying in his cave all day. One day, Husky watched the other dogs from his cave.
They were playing and having fun all together. Husky was like, “ I want to play and have fun too. ” So
Husky decided to make himself go on an adventure and leave his cave. He left his cave and took his
first step. Suddenly, he tripped on a rock and fell in the tar! Husky was like, “ OH NOOO! ” When he
got out he was black and his fur was covered in tar. Husky worried, “ I ’ m so dirty, I should have never
left my cave. ” Husky cried and cried.
The other dogs heard Husky ’ s cries. They came to see what was wrong. “ What happened to you?
You are all black like us now. ” Husky looked up and saw the big, blue sky and the winds were
whispering to him. The winds were saying, “ It ’ s not that bad to be dirty because now you are able to
be adventurous and not worry about getting your white fur all dirty. You can now have fun with your
friends. ” So Husky and the other dogs ran off into the jungle.
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