Convocation Speaker Eugene Wong Thursday, June 13, 2024, 3:00 p.m.
Recently, he was the interim Director of Research and Education for the physics group at the London Regional Cancer Program, and this year, he became chair of the Science Committee of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists. His role there is to help raise research profiles of young and seasoned medical physicists across the country. Eugene received the undergraduate teaching excellence award from the Faculty of Science two years ago. This year, in 2024, he was given Western’s highest teaching honour, the Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching . He is deeply honoured to be part of the convocation ceremony to commemorate the graduates’ important milestones and achievements, and to send them off with the very best wishes as they embark on their next endeavours.
Eugene Wong is currently Professor of Physics & Astronomy at Western, cross appointed to Oncology and Medical Biophysics with 25 years of experience applying physics to medicine. After completing a residency at the London Regional Cancer Program of the London Health Sciences Centre, he led a team to implement new treatment delivery techniques in radiotherapy. For about a decade, he was responsible for generating radiation treatment plans for the most complex patient cases. In collaboration with cancer biologists, imaging scientists, and oncologists, Eugene initiated the Oncology Physics Laboratory at Western in 2006 for pre-clinical research and has since been working on novel imaging and treatments for cancer patients. His research has been funded by the Canadian Cancer Society, the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Canada Foundation of Innovation and the London Health Sciences Foundation among others. He was a recipient of the Faculty Scholar award at Western for his research and teaching.
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