Angel Investors Network - April 2020

“There are only two ways to influence human behavior: You can manipulate it, or you can inspire it.” –Simon Sinek

manipulations like price and product details. But if you help people understand why you do what you do by revealing the real purpose and intention behind your actions, you build a sense of trust. This trust leads to loyalty, and loyalty means that person comes back to do business with you and also refers your business to others. This is how businesses grow! Figuring out your “why” is a process of discovery, not invention. Use these three key strategies to discover your “why.” • Look backward at the original motivation for starting your business. What specific problem were you trying to solve, and why was it important to you to solve it? • Look outward by asking why those around you spend time with you or why a customer buys from you. You can learn why people are drawn to you and your business this way. • Look inward and identify a bigger vision that you wish to contribute to. What do you believe in? What really matters to you?

It can often be hard to clearly articulate what you do for a living. That means it can be difficult to explain your vision to potential clients and customers, which then makes it harder to convince them to purchase your product or services. In “Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action,” author Simon Sinek illustrates the importance of explaining to others why you do the business you do rather than explaining what you do or how you do it.


Sinek argues that when people start figuring out the “why” of what they do, it inspires action from others in a way that discussing the “what” can’t. Talking about the “why” engages emotions; analyzing the “what” is purely logical. When you try to sell something to people based on its “what,” you rely on specific

We’ve relaunched the Angel Investors Network (AIN) Inner Circle! A NEW LOOK FOR Our Inner Circle It’s all about continuous learning with a healthy dash of collaboration. Plus, as you build your network, you build your trust.

You can now log in to the member’s area to better connect and communicate with AIN’s other members — entrepreneurs and investors alike.

There is no doubt that networking can be challenging, especially when you’re just getting into the world of entrepreneurship (or investing, for that matter) or starting a brand-new business. It can be a struggle to find the right network or to make meaningful connections, so we try to make it as easy as possible for you. Entrepreneurs looking for capital may find it challenging to connect with the right investors. But chances are that there is an investor out there who is looking for their ideal match, too. It’s a lot like dating. You will have to go on several “first dates” until you finally meet the one, and you must each offer things to the other that make sense. That’s when you get that “click” we are all looking for. You never know what opportunities and new ideas are waiting around the corner until you ask. If you are not already a member of our Inner Circle, you are missing out! And right now you can take a test drive for only $1! Simply go to today to learn more and sign up!

Share deals, investment opportunities, workshop ideas, and more. You’ll never be left behind again!

As always, you will also find a wealth of resources, from training materials to guides on building a better business and investing in startups. It’s a one-stop destination for education and networking. THE POWER OF CONNECTIONS

One of the best things any entrepreneur can do to enrich themselves and their business is to curate a solid network. When you have regular conversations with other like-minded individuals, both in and out of your niche or industry, the learning potential is practically endless.

As we mentioned in this month’s cover article, entrepreneurs benefit greatly when they can connect with advisors, coaches, mentors, or other experts who can offer insight and advice.




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