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How to Prevent Injury During At-Home Workouts June Health & Wellness Newsletter

Switch it up, slow it down, and know your limits–and if something does go wrong, we’re here to help! The worst thing about going to the gym is going to the gym: driving to the facility, changing

technique: otherwise, you may put yourself at risk.

Whether you’re rocking your stationary bike or working through a Yoga influencer’s YouTube catalog, several tips and strategies can keep

in the locker room, and then waiting for a turn on the cardio machines. But with the rise of affordable at-home exercise equipment and workout programs, more and more people are opting to get their sweat on in the comfort of their living room.

you safe and injury-free. Our physical therapists are movement experts and can make sure the program you’re planning is right for you and your health goals. And if you do sustain an injury, the team of physical therapists at Polishuk Physical Therapy will help you get back on your feet.

While at-home workouts can make regular exercise much easier and more accessible, without proper preparation they can also increase your chances of sustaining an injury. It’s crucial that you learn how to properly perform an exercise and what to check for regarding your

Keep reading to learn more about what you can do to prevent injuries during your home-based workouts–or call us to schedule an appointment! One of our experts will be happy to help you get started safely.

Give us a call at (215) 918-4547 or visit www.polishukwellness.com today!

1. Be mindful of what you plant. Before you start planting, be sure to do some research on the sun, water, and soil requirements of each herb. 2. Choose the right container. It’s important to be aware that using smaller pots means you need to be extra cautious in how much you water your herbs. Too much or too little water can be especially detrimental to an herb in a small pot. 3. Use high quality soil. The best way to ensure a healthy start to your container garden is by using high quality soil. Container soil should be lighter in density than traditional garden soil. Tips for Planting a Potted Herb Garden

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5 Tips for Preventing Workout Injuries at Home

different exercises on different days to ensure you achieve your goals. 3. Warm Up and Cool Down: When we work out at home, it’s easy to think we can dive straight in. Unfortunately, failing to warm up correctly can be a fast track to an injury. Take ten minutes or so to get your limbs loose and your heart pumping. Not sure what to do? We’ll design a program tailored to your specific needs to ensure you address any areas that may cause an injury. 4. Dress Appropriately: One of the perks of an at-home workout is that you don’t have to dress to impress in fancy gym gear. However, you still need to wear appropriate, comfortable clothes. For example, if you’re climbing on a stationary bike, loose, flowy Yoga pants risk getting caught in the gears. And don’t forget appropriate footwear! 5. Know When to Stop: Perhaps the most important tip is to know when a movement has become too intense. While some discomfort is part of a good workout, sharp, shooting pains in your muscle or joint could indicate injury. If you notice swelling or pain that lasts for a few days after a workout or that worsens during your workout, it needs to be looked at and addressed.

The most common types of exercise-based injuries are strains and sprains. A strain occurs when muscle tissue is overstretched or torn, either due to a sudden intense trauma or several microtraumas over time. Trying to do an exercise before your body is ready to handle it can be the source of just an injury, as can improper form or fatigue-related changes to technique. Unfortunately, many people don’t take proper precautions when working out at home. Here are five simple tips to help prevent an injury during your home- based workout: 1. Know Your Limits: Exercise videos and workout challenges are generalized and can’t consider your needs. Our therapists will help identify your body’s limits and impairments and modify movements as needed. In general, a good rule of thumb is to start slow, then gradually increase intensity as you get a stronger sense of what you can and can’t do. 2. Mix It Up: It can be tempting to do the same home- based workout every day, especially when you’ve found one you love. But repeating workouts will lead to repetitive-use injuries, so mix things up! Our therapists can help you find programs that provide

Sources: https://www.physio-pedia.com/Muscle_Strain https://www.physio-pedia.com/Ligament_Sprain

Call us today at (215) 918-4547 to schedule a free consultation.

Give us a call at (215) 918-4547 or visit www.polishukwellness.com today!

Supervised Exercise Program Therapeutic exercise is a great way to restore function and live a pain-free life. Many people assume that anyone participating in physical therapy treatments is recovering from recent surgery. However, that is not always the case. Physical therapy provides a multitude of benefits for anyone wishing to restore their strength, endurance, flexibility, or stability. In fact, physical therapy is used as a treatment for any pain, injury, or ailment someone may be facing. Our innovative care strategies at Polishuk Physical Therapy will help you find quick relief. For more information on how therapeutic exercise may benefit you, contact today!

How Can Therapeutic Exercise Help Relieve My Pain? It is a common misconception that one should constantly rest when they are in pain. However, this can actually cause your muscles to weaken during the healing process, which can lead to decreased functionality and more pain in the long run. Our Ambler, PA physical therapists are movement experts, trained in improving strength, range of motion, and overall function of the body. Our physical therapist will design an individualized treatment plan for you equipped with the therapeutic exercises you need to alleviate your pain, strengthen the weak areas of your body, promote the healing process, and restore function. At Polishuk Physical Therapy, our goal is to help you live a pain-free life with even greater strength and endurance than you had before.

Our Location 1024 N. Bethlehem Pike. Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 918-4547 Request Appointment

Give us a call at (215) 918-4547 or visit www.polishukwellness.com today!

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