2021 APEGA Annual Report


The Fair Registration Practices Act , introduced by the provincial government in 2019, aims to simplify and accelerate foreign credential recognition in Alberta. Regulators must provide applicants with an interim decision on their application status within six months of a complete application submission. As part of a multi-year effort, we have made several registration adjustments that have enabled us to meet the six-month requirement for most applications.

We recruited more volunteers to sit on the Board of Examiners (BOE), which reviews all membership applications. There are now 137 volunteers on the BOE—almost double 2019, when there were 70. APEGA professional staff support the BOE by conducting academic and experience reviews for low-risk files. The BOE refuses applications with significant academic deficiencies. This ensures BOE resources are used efficiently and results in more timely decisions for applicants. 87.2% of all application types received an interim decision in fewer than 180 days

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