RitzCarlton AD Handbook Final Compressed_final

Each employee must exercise his or her own good judgment to avoid engaging in conduct that may be perceived by others as harassment. The following is a partial list of conduct that would be considered sexual harassment: 1) VERBAL Repeated sexual innuendoes, sexual epithets, derogatory slurs, sexually explicit jokes, obscene or sexually suggestive comments about a person's body, offensive or unwelcome flirtations, unwanted sexual advances or propositions, threats, or suggestive or insulting sounds. 2) VISUAL/NON-VERBAL Derogatory or sexually explicit posters, cartoons, photographs, magazines, drawings, or other printed items; suggestive objects or pictures; e-mails, screen savers, or other electronic communications; graphic commentaries; leering or obscene gestures; and 3) PHYSICAL Unwanted physical contact, including touching, interference with an individual's normal work movement, or assault. OTHER TYPES OF HARASSMENT. The Ritz-Carlton also prohibits harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, age, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. Such prohibited harassment may also be evidenced by similar verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct as described in the sexual harassment category. Complaint Procedure

Employees who believe that they have been subjected to objectionable conduct should immediately tell the harasser to stop the unwanted behavior and report it immediately to a manager. If possible, employees should bring their concerns to the attention of their immediate manager or supervisor. However, if the unwelcome behavior involves a manager or supervisor to whom they directly or indirectly report, they can also seek help from any other manager, Director of Human Resources, or a representative from the Corporate Human Resources staff. Do not allow an inappropriate situation to continue by not reporting it, regardless of who is creating that situation. No employee in this organization is exempt from this policy. In response to every complaint, the Company will conduct an immediate, thorough & objective investigation.

The Company will, to the extent possible, protect the confidentiality of harassment complaints. If the Company determines that a violation of this policy has occurred, it will take corrective and preventive actions where necessary. A determination regarding the harassment alleged will be made and communicated to the person claiming harassment as soon as practical. Employees violating this policy, however, are subject to discipline up to, and including, termination. The Company strictly prohibits retaliation against any person by another employee for using this complaint procedure, reporting harassment, or for filing, testifying, assisting or participating in any manner in any investigation, proceeding or hearing.

The Ritz-Carlton, UAE Employee Handbook

Page 18

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