AECF - Atlanta Civic Site Strategic Articulation Map

GUIDING PRINCIPLES // How we will operate

Create equitable opportunities for black and brown youth

Investments are guided by youth voice and leadership

Multisystem and multisector collaboration to drive holistic solutions is essential

Lead with a healing centered approach

DIFFERENTIATORS // What we must do differently going forward

Shifting Performance Measures and Key Performance Indicators

Cross-Foundation collaboration and coordination

More coordination and collaboration across strategy areas

Community strategy to support clear and deliberate messaging that accurately reflects the intent of work

Be more strategic & targeted with time and influence

Ensure consistency in process and way we “break-up” with legacy partners (see Common Practice Tool – Horizon)

More co-investment / seek additional partners

Ramp-up self-care and balance

Change mindset of what success looks like

Shift from program focus (solely) towards system changes


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