Phishing Email
Scam 1 You receive an email with the subject heading: “Important update” and/or “urgent” with a link that directs you to a supposed Microsoft login page, which then prompts you to sign in to access critical information. This is a phishing email scam. The scammer wants to harvest your password and steal your money and identity. Such a scam can appear like it is coming from a recognized public health authority, government office, or even from a colleague, friend or family member.
Tip Important information that is sent by email in the form of only an attachment and has little or no message in the body of the email is likely a scam. If a public health organization wants you to be aware of important information, they will simply tell you in the body of the email or send you a letter by regular mail. Do not “click” on a link without first ensuring it is a valid address. Scammers are more and more sophisticated and can create convincing emails that trick us
into taking action. Be wary of any emails or texts that you were not expecting to receive, especially those containing links and attachments from unknown or suspicious senders. If you are unsure if the email or text was sent by an individual or known company, contact that individual or company directly to verify that the message is real.
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