Uninews TorVergata #libertà

EC plans for a European degree

di Florinda Magliulo, Marco Tirone*

It challenges the complex legal and administrative barriers that currently block attempts to create joint degree programs between universities. However, while respecting

The European Commission has

taken an important step towards a more unified Europe by launching an ambitious initiative consisting of a series of measures, one of which includes a standardized European degree program that would transform higher education in the EU and, as a consequence, increase student mobility, skills development and employability.

the independence of universities and the sovereignty of each

Member State in the field of higher education, a balance between centralized coordination and decentralized decision- making is envisaged. The proposal lays down four strategic pillars. The first aims to improve quality assurance systems while reducing bureaucratic burdens. This will ensure high academic standards in line with evolving social and economic needs.


*Welcome Office - welcome@uniroma2.it

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