Uninews TorVergata #libertà

The second pillar facilitates dynamic collaboration between universities, with the exchange of information and resources towards a coherent approach to quality assurance for joint academic ventures. The third pillar directly addresses the actual design of a European degree. The European label will be awarded by reputable quality assurance agencies

This pillar will also ensure that degrees and micro- credentials are issued in a format which is consistent with the European Digital Credentials for Learning. The European degree would be voluntary, would not replace national degrees, and would guarantee institutional autonomy, academic freedom, acceptance of the Bologna process tools and reduced administrative burdens, all of which are common criteria shared at the European level. As the culmination of years of cooperation and collective effort, and as a milestone that would cut across geographical borders, the European degree would definitely offer the chance of a fully recognized program. A double objective, then: students would enjoy unprecedented

opportunities for academic and personal growth, and the EU’s global competitive position would be strengthened. To get this action off the ground, the Commission plans to set up a dedicated policy lab and launch pilot projects under the Erasmus+ program by 2025: Member States and universities will be offered financial incentives to encourage active participation and progress. In summary, the European degree represents a commitment to collaboration and advancement and has the power to reshape the whole landscape of higher education in Europe. Such an initiative can bring about a new generation of innovation, excellence and unity across the EU.

registered with EQAR subject to the internal

quality control protocols of each university. The final pillar focuses on the automatic recognition of qualifications by strengthening the infrastructure of the ENIC- NARIC centers and universities and the networking skills of their staff through in-depth training and advanced digital tools.


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