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CORNWALL | Claude McIntosh is hoping his long career in journalism, spanning over a period of 42 years, will help him get elected in the upcoming municipal elec- tions. “After serving as the “unofficial op- position” for all these years, I feel I have a better than average grasp on the work of city council, on what works and doesn’t work”, he explained. “I don’t see serving on city council as a job or a career. I’m not laying the ground work for a higher political calling. I see serving on council as a service to my com- munity. I’ve shown through my column writing that I am not afraid to tackle tough issues and take tough stands. I don’t stick my finger in the air to see which way the political wind is blowing on that particular day, an all too common trait with many politicians.” McIntosh’s political platform focuses mainly on taxes and other expenses. He continues: “As in every municipal election, taxes are the proverbial elephant in the room, he outlined. “There is no magic bullet when it comes to reducing or freezing property taxes. Some candidates are promising to cut taxes without reducing services. But they don’t say how they intend to follow through on their promise. I can’t make that promise. However, what I can promise is that I will push for cost-reducing mea- sures through more efficient ways of doing business and greater accountability from department heads vis-à-vis their spending.”
CORNWALL | Denis Sabourin is hoping his extensive years in both politics and journal- ism will help him secure a seat on Cornwall’s municipal council, in the upcoming elec- tions. “I have extensive experience in politics and I want to use that experience to help the city,” he explained. “(I’ve worked for) 15 years as an English Catholic school board trust- ee, a paralegal licensed by the Law Society of Upper Canada, a former national journalist and a community volunteer. Capitalizing on this experience, I want to bring common sense expe- rience to the council table. I understand politics and know how to work to help make things happen.” Important points on Sab- ourin’s agenda are transpar- ency and a better commu- nity spirit. “I would advocate on behalf of the citizens of Cornwall for an open and transparent government system,” he said. “I would like to see greater commu- nication from the City to its residents so that they will all understand the rationale behind council’s decisions and what council wants to accomplish in its next four- year term. I want to see a green plan for Cornwall’s waterfront. I want to see development of brownfield sites for commercial, residential and recreational use. I want to see the de- velopment of small businesses in the community and the attraction of new industry. To accomplish this, Council as a whole must develop a business plan so that these important items can be addressed and achieved.” city council, she believes that “the bad, and how it was handled, seems to overshadow any good.” “I want to be a part of the re-building of confidence for our city government,” she outlined. “The public keeps doing the same things. Yet, they expect different results. Let a new council get to work to start a new beginning for Cornwall.” Hug also believes that the current council favors certain groups over others and that “votes are being filtered through a small group who binds together to push its agreed-upon agenda through.” “Character is what counts,” she explained. “Track re- cord is what counts. New blood gives new results. By doing the same things, you never get anything different for results.”
CORNWALL | A healthcare worker by trade, Mary Ann Hug is one of 28 candidates who is hoping to have a seat around the council table on October 27. “We must gain our respect back for our elected officials,” she explained. “Now is the time for real change. Character, honesty, passion for excellence and new ideas should be the main focuses with regard to the choices for office.” Hug believes that the majority of Cornwall citizens want to see the end of“all controversy that has rocked our world over the last four years.” Although she admits that there have been several positive steps taken by the current
22 300 copies
La voix, l’approche et l’espérance …que nous devons garder autour de la table du Conseil!
Bonjour, c’est Bernadette! J’ai une foi profonde en notre potentiel, l’espoir et l’enthousiasme pour notre avenir. Mais ensemble, nous devons faire de notre mieux, d’une manière constructive et intelligente. Prendre les bonnes décisions exige du travail sérieux : bien étudier les documents, poser les bonnes questions, discuter avec une écoute attentive, et surtout du bon jugement. Comme conseillère j’ai acquis de l’expérience à apporter des solutions ainsi qu’une voix respectueuse autour de la table du Conseil. Comme avocate j’ai appris à bien écouter et à parler pour les autres. Comme membre de divers conseils d’administration j’ai pris connaissance de nos besoins et de l’importance de bien planifier. Comme résidente j’ai appris à connaître et à partager les espoirs et les désirs de mes concitoyennes et concitoyens.
Nous pouvons faire mieux pour Cornwall Je veux faire partie de ce changement. Nous sommes à notre meilleur lorsque nous travaillons ensemble. Saisissons l’avenir! ✔ ✔ ✔
625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1C3 Tel.:
613 938-1433 • Fax.: 613 938-2798
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