April Issue

Spring Cleaning Checklist Wash and put away dishes Wipe down inside cabinets Wipe down insdie drawers Kitchen Bedrooms Dust Dressers Pick up clothes

Wash pillows Wash bedding Flip and rotate mattress

Throw out expired food Organize pantry items Empty trash Scrub inside microwave Wipe down backsplash Wipe down countertops Deep clean oven & stovetop wipe down all appliances Scrub and disinfect sink Wash out garbage can


Dust furniture Clean rug/Welcome mat Organize clothes/coats

Laundry Room

Living Room

Empty trash Run clean cycle in washing machine Clean out dryer vents & ducts Wipe down exterior washer & dryer discard old clenaing supplies

Dust Mantel/Shelves/Pictures

Dust tabletops dust electronics

Laundry Room

Organize Misc. items Clean media cabinet Steam clean sofas/chairs Wash throw blankets/pillows Scrub shower Scrub sink & countertops Wash shower curtain Empty trash Wipe down mirrors Scrub toilet Clean out cabinets/drawers Wipe down cabinets/drawers

Change air filters Change batteries in smoke detectors Polish wooden floors Shampoo Carpets Change burnt lightbulbs Dust light fixtures


Dust corners of rooms Dust accentive decor Dust & clean baseboards Celan door frames Sweep/mop/vacuum floors Wash Windows

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