T he inspiration of the Bible is con- army, one night with twelve men, took stantly under criticism, especially the bread and the cup and gave it to in these latter days. But there are proofs them, and that little event has been of the verbal inspiration of the Bible celebrated for these many centuries, which need to be brought to our atten- A third evidence is the Jewish peo- tion. For the Scriptures came to us pie throughout the world. I have been from heaven; they have come from the in many countries and everywhere I very heart of God. go I find these wonderful people. Al- One of the interesting proofs is the though for centuries they have had no Jewish passover. Every year millions country and no way of holding to- upon millions of our Jewish friends gether with any adhesive force, yet ^ in observe the passover because something a strange manner they have main- took place in the history of Israel dur- tained their individuality. You can tell ing the time when their ancestors were our Jewish friends when you are with in Egyptian bondage. You remember them. They still have their own lan- how that an angel of God went through guage and characteristics. This is not Goshen and Egypt. In every house true of any other place in all the where there was no blood on the door, world. People of other nationalities the firstborn in that family was killed, have come to the United States, mar- But if there was blood on the door, as ried and intermarried and soon their instructed by God, there was no death, specific identity has been lost. But For centuries, Israel has been observ- those who belong to theI covenant of ing this event. Could you get millions Israel have not lost their identity. The of people to observe and celebrate Lord has kept them through the cen- something that never happened? turies as a separate people with their A second proof of Biblical inspira- own show of countenance, their own tion is the Lord’s supper. 'Millions of wonderful minds and ingenuity. God people, every Lord’s day, and some- has separated them into all countries times on other days, too, celebrate the where they have learned the finest Lord’s supper. He gave us the bread things of the countries. Now, as they and the cup so that we would remem- go back to Jerusalem they are able to ber Him He knew that in the multi- take with them the wisdom, knowl- tude of business affairs, sorrows, ambi- edge, and understanding of every kind tions and war we would forget Him. So people in the world. He gave us the institution of His sup- The very fact that the Jews are per that we might observe it in re- present and a distinct race in the membrance of Him. It serves to help world is absolute proof that the Word us recall His constant grace and love, of God is true. God said about the other If the Lord Jesus had never said, “Do nations, “I will make a full end of this in remembrance of me,” how them, but I will not make a full end would the millions of people celebrate of Israel.” The nation, of Israel became it? The accuracy of the Word of God a desert. We read in Isaiah that all is carried on through the centuries, the trees Were cut down, all the Isn’t it strange that here a Stranger streams were stopped, and the rain with no royalty, no following, no (continued on next page)
Proof of the Bible’s Accuracy by Dr. Walter L. Wilson 11
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