Biola Broadcaster - 1963-11

and more to the. idea of discipline. “Reproof and rod,” with correction al­ ways being given in true love, will ultimately bring spiritual victory to the home. Remember, a child can sometimes be best straightened up by being “bent over.” Q . Seattle, Washington — “How Can one keep from being cynical and critical all the time? It seems that there is so much of this in the church today.” A. The lesson has been learned the hard way, but there is only one. As long as we keep our eyes upon men and ourselves we will be cynical and critical. Our minds must be stayed upon the Lord Jesus Christ. This does not mean that we have to be actually on our knees praying. The Psalmist said that all we need do is lift up our eyes to God (Psalm 121). How often we need to refocus our attention and think upon the Altogether Lovely One. There is so much of the world in the church and in the Christian today. We must get back to the things of God and to a faithful study of His Word. We must maintain a regular prayer life at all times of the day. That is the only way to keep from being cynical. Do not expect to find perfection in the pastor, your neighbors, missionaries, and other social contacts. There is per­ fection only in Christ. That is why we can only safely look to Him. It will also do us good to take stock of our­ selves making certain that a critical spirit isn’t the result of our own per­ sonal failure. Oftentimes men project an image from their own hearts to someone else. “Whosoever thou art that judgest another, thou condemnest thy­ self.” This is the means by which Nathan so forcefully brought David’s sin before him. Quite often we are more interested in hearing the gossip than we are in hearing something good about a person. Let us be found “rejoicing not in iniquity but rejoicing in the truth.” Q . Los Angeles, California — “If God directs and allows everything that hap- '¡A

Panel Discussions (continued) laws, however, do indeed provide us with a fixed standard by which to live, through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit Q . Portland, Oregon— “In Mark 10:32 we read of the disciples going up to Jeru­ salem. ‘Jesus went before them: and they were amazed; and as they fol­ lowed, they were afraid.’ Why were the disciples both amazed and afraid at the same time?” A. The disciples were aware of the trends, with the religious world in up­ heaval. Luke tells us that all men were wondering whether John the Baptist might be the Christ. Everyone was ex­ pecting something to happen. That is why they were going up to Jerusalem. As the Lord went before the disciples, they were amazed at the things He told them. They had never read these things, the prophecies of Isaiah or Moses. No wonder they were startled and amazed. Yet at the same time they were also afraid. Looking back in your own life you will find times when you were both amazed and afraid. Children, being taken through the streets of a large city by parents on a shopping tour would be both amazed and afraid with so many won­ ders and so many strange faces. Q . San Francisco, California — “M y wife and I are having problems concerning the discipline of our children. I believe we should take a very firm hand. She says that the modern method of self- expression is better. Please tell us who is right.” A. This could be a delicate area as we do not know all of the home cir­ cumstances and environment. We be­ lieve there is a thoroughly definite need for Christian parents to rear their children with a firm, but loving hand. They need to know the bounds of their liberties beyond which they are not allowed to go. Psychologists are be­ ginning to tell us that the idea of self- expression has gone completely to “seed.” They are swinging back more

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