Biola Broadcaster - 1963-11

sider the reality of the situation. If I say to you that I am a Christian but you find that I am not living like one, you certainly wouldn’t believe that I was a Christian. You see, the only way one can prove to men that he is a Christian is not by what he says, but by the way he lives. But before God, both things are true and are found in God’s Word. “We are saved by grace alone, this is all our plea. Jesus died for all mankind, and Jesus died for me.” It is faith that saves us. This in return produces a Godly life filled with good works. But space will allow us only one more consideration. The physicist has it all reasoned out that in order to get power certain laws must be observed. Yet, nature itself disproves his assertions. Why do an elephant’s hind legs bend forward? The hind legs on other ani­ mals bend backwards. But God knew very well that this big animal couldn’t get up off the ground on two legs. For this reason it uses all four working at the same time and in the same direc­ tion. When God makes a tree, He does the same thing. Let us say that the limb of a certain tree extends out 75 feet with a weight of some 4,000 pounds. It is only connected to the tree with a little bit of fibre, however, that goes in about half way. If the tree is 42 inches in diameter, the fibres go in 21 inches, stick out 75 feet, and hold up 4,000 lbs. Do you know how God does it? No, neither do I. We see it, and we believe it, though it is against one’s reasonings and the basic tenets of strength and power. But the most wonderful thing of life is how God gives eternal life to a sin­ ner. If a person places his trust in Jesus Christ he is given something that cannot be explained. He becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus. A new nature and a new life with an entirely new attitude toward life, God and men is given. He is bom again. Won’t you trust Christ Jesus, and let Him do that for you? He loves you for He gave Himself for you. Yes, “The words of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.”

Babylonians had to import it for the building of their walls and other struc­ tures. When Babylon was destroyed, neighboring towns came in and took the stones, broke them apart, and scraped off the lime in order to build their own houses. The debris was thrown into piles. In this way as al­ ways, God, in His grace, keeps His Word archaeologically. I have never seen, in all my wide travels, anything dug up by archaeologists that did not absolutely prove what the Word of God says. A MOTHER'S WORDS TO HER DAUGHTER Are you going to sleep all day? Who said you could use my hairspray? Clean the dishps off the table? Turn down the radio. Have you made your bed? That skirt is much too short. Your closet is a mess. Stand up straight. Somebody has got to go to the store. Quit chewing your gum like that. Your hair is too bushy. I don't care if everybody else does have one. Turn down the radio. Have you done your homework? Don't slouch. Why don't you iron it yourself? Your fingernails are too long. Look it up in the dictionary. Sit up straight. Get off the phone now. Why did you ever buy that record? Take the dog out. You forgot to dust the table. You've been in the bathroom long enough. Turn off the radio and get to sleep now. Yes another day is gone, but oh dear Lord, not once did I say, " I love you." Heavenly Father, forgive me, and make me be a better parent to my child. Then there is the cleric who may not uphold God’s truth. He says that the Bible isn’t true because in one place he reads that man is justified before God by faith, while in another place it says he is justified by works. But con­ You didn't make your bed. Quit banging on the piano.

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