Biola Broadcaster - 1963-11

VICTORY THROUGH TRAGEDY When Henry Stanley was searching for Livingstone in the heart of Africa, he met with a very unusual reception from the king of Uganda. It seems the queen had had a strange and unusual dream shortly before the famed news­ paperman’s arrival. In the nocturnal vision, she saw the white man’s God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Stanley’s arrival at the royal home was an an­ swer to this unusual dream. The family pleaded with him to send a letter to England asking for a missionary teach­ er to come over and help them. Stanley, of course, wrote that letter, and a few days later sent it out by a young Frenchman who was on his way home. The messenger, however, never reached his homeland. He was murdered on the banks of the N ile River and his body left to rot on the hot desert sands. Several months later some British sol­ diers found the Frenchman and search­ ing through his clothing discovered Stanley’s letter in one of his books. They forwarded it on to England where it was featured in the London Daily Telegram. A great deal of interest was naturally aroused and w h e n the Church Missionary Society appecded for young people to volunteer for the king’s ministry in Uganda, seven young men came forward. People be­ gan sending money to make it possible for them to go. God’s messenger may be killed but His message continues to go on. Thank the Lord for His in­ defatigable purpose, in answer to the heathen who say, “Come over and help us; we need more light.” Tired of Church? (continued) ness He gives us His Word and. His Holy Spirit. He is the one who re­ ceives the soul; He is the one who gives us eternal life and brings us into the family of God. If you have run with the footmen and they have wearied thee, you wake up, beloved, because there is a time when you are not going to be able to run. Arthritis, cancer, blindness, T.'B., all sorts of things may come and you are not going

A DIME FOR ICE CREAM From children we learn some tre­ mendous spiritual lessons. Like little Mary, who had been given a dime to put in the offering plate at church, but on the way there she was tempted to use it to buy an ice cream cone. Later on, when her mother discovered what had happened, she said, “You Were supposed to put that in for the Lord.” Mary excused herself, standing on one foot and then the other, by saying, “Well, mommy, I planned to do that at first, but later I decided to buy ice cream with it, and let the ice cream man do the giving.” How many of us are waiting for someone else to do the giving? HOW TO PREACH There was an old time minister who was explaining to a young seminary graduate the apparent reason for the success of his preaching. He said, “I always follow this order in my ser­ mons. Firstly, I tell the people what I’m going to tell them. Secondly, I go ahead and tell them. Thirdly, I tell them what I have already told them.” This may be just a preacher’s story, but it still makes good sense. In the ministry of training young men and women for Christian service at Biola we impress upon them the fact that people want not fine sounding words, but the truth of God which alone can set the captive free; the one, bound to satan’s dominion, at liberty. This is the kind of Spirit-filled life that w ill bind up the wounded and broken hearted. to be able to run. What are you going to do when old age and disease over­ take you. Let me urge you now, while you are well, strong and able to do what you please to let the Lord Jesus Christ fix you so that you can run with the horses. Then, “in the swelling of Jordan,” when the floods of sorrow and grief overcome, you will be fit for heaven. He, Himself will take you there as our blessed Lord promised in His Word. 8

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