Investment Catalyst 2023

Contact Information: Contact Name: Christopher Barton E-mail: Website: Funding required: £3,000,000 Industrial carbon emissions are one of the largest contributors to climate change. They are also, by weight, one of the largest, geographically abundant man-made products produced per year. “HYPER Xi” will capitalise on the low price of CO2 as a low/zero-cost feedstock to manufacture competitive materials, chemicals, and clean energy The Problem Global carbon emissions are too vast for a single bullet solution. At 36.3 billion tonnes produced per year, any carbon reduction measure that costs financially or electrically, even a cent or watt-hour per tonne, would equate to cost higher than the GDP or power generation of most nations of the world. Agricultural waste accounts for 6% of global emissions and especially in developing countries is burnt where there is no commercial value. The fertiliser used to produce this product also accounts for a further 2% of global production. Organisations face an incompatibility of economic and ecological hardships globally. The need to make cleaner reusable products clashes with the need for cost reduction, shorter supply chains, and cheaper energy. With the major population centres of the planet still mostly in developing countries this incompatibility will become exacerbated as the demand for food, industrial and energy production increases.

The Solution HYPER Xi Is a waste carbon emission conversion engine. Using CO2 in the production of powders, materials, and Hydrogen gas. Converting carbon emissions into valuable materials for everyday products and powering an ecosystem of waste recycling and reuse profitably. HYPER Xi produces competitive and profitable product, from low-cost carbon conversion, providing clean energy in the process. It utilises waste product emissions such as CO2, NOx, SOx, agricultural and industrial waste like husks, chips or swarf in its process which provides Industrial powders, hydrogen gas and other basic chemicals for feed-stocks used to make fertiliser. The industrial powders go into a multitude of products for modern living from glass to composites, cosmetics to pharmaceuticals, construction to clothes, food production to tyres. HYPER Xi replaces the traditional high carbon footprint production process for these materials for the powder with a carbon conversion process. HYPER Xi also produces clean energy in heat and hydrogen gas in its process which is of interest to partnered CO2 production process providing a symbiotic benefit from HYPER Xi to Carbon producer.

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