a devotion on dogs
Dr. Walter L. W ilson
Q. God has mentioned through Solo mon, in the Book of Proverbs, four ani mals — they are: the lion, the grey hound, the he-goat and mention is made of the king. Doctor, you have already dealt with the lesson given to us when looking at the lion and now may we read what is to be learned from the greyhound? A. Yes, and the picture of the grey hound is one of serene swiftness. This dog is built for speed and when you measure its ability by that of other breeds of dogs, you will see that he is able to hold his own — in fact, beat all others in the race. Now this is another picture of the Lord Jesus — He, too, is built for speed. I want to tell you He saves a soul in stantly! He does not take a week or a month to save anyone. He does not ask that you go through a long period of pleading, crying, and praying. The moment you put your trust in Him, that moment you are saved by grace. All of earth’s religions cause you to read a lot of books and promise to do a lot of things, such as study a lot of doctrines, but not so with our lovely Lord, the moment you trust Him He saves the soul. For proof of our Lord’s instant action, let us note that the whole Book of Mark is built on that truth. We read: “at once . . . forthwith . . . straightway . . .
immediately” all through that book, because it is telling us about “the greyhound”, the wonderful Lord! Do you know how long it took the Lord to crumble the walls of Jericho? It took only the time to march around it seven times and blowing their horns, down came the walls. It did not take very long for them to conquer Babylon. While Belteshazzar, the king, was hav ing a great feast, Darius moved into the city. He diverted the waters of the river Euphrates, went in under the gates of the city on the river bed and the place was conquered before the learned men had completed their in terpretation of the writing on the wall. Our Lord is a Lord of swift action. He made light to travel at the speed of 186,000 miles per second. The earth to travel at the rate of 1,000 miles a minute. There are great stars that move at 195 miles a second and 6,000 miles a second. Other stars and comets travel at varying rates of great speed. The One who made these bodies to move in such tremendous swiftness can act with ever so much higher speed in the affairs of your life. He wants to make you, in your short life span of 20, 30, 40 or 70 years, to become a wonderful person in your witness for the Lord. He lets things happen rapidly in your life to change you. Perhaps business failure
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