brings you into a life of active service for Him. Paralysis may set you apart and give time to sing beautiful songs in poem fashion from your soul or dic tate books rich in Christian thought. Some of the finest things to enrich the heart have come from a Christian life under some form of affliction. You remember when the prodigal son came home that the father RAN to meet him. The father ordered the best robe to be put upon the son, that a ring be placed upon his hand, shoes on his feet and that the fatted calf be killed. The lad did not have to beg that these things be done for him. No, the father put his arms around him and it all happened in the twinkling of an eye. When Isaiah said that he was un done — that he was a man of unclean lips living in the midst of a people of unclean lips, then flew in one of the seraphims with a coal from off the altar and put it on the lips of Isaiah and his lips were made won derful. Our Lord sent that angel in a hurry! And when He comes to draw His children up to meet Him in the air, it will be done in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and that is pretty fast. Now in these days which are look ing to His coming, let Him do some thing for and with you in the majesty of His swiftness! He is beautiful and fie is swift in His every motion! The greyhound points wonderfully to HIM. To Simplify The Administration of Your Estate Write for a copy of Personal Estate Facts. This is a booklet for use in list ing all important data concerning you and your possessions. It will prove invaluable to you personally, and to the executor of your last will and testament. Write: Stewardship Department Biola College
ILLUSTRATIONS M ISSIONARIES FROM CEYLON reported, cm. interesting narrative relative to the Temple of the Tooth in Kandy. Faithful followers believe that in this Temple one of Buddhds teeth lies encased in the innermost of sev en caskets. TIME Magazine recently recount ed something of the interesting back ground of this story. TIME wrote that in the 4th century, so legend holds it, when Buddhism was driven out of India, a princess fled w ith the tooth hidden in her hair. Centuries later, conquerors had the relic ground into powder and spread it over the sea. But customs do not die easily. A Singhalese prince proclaimed that the tooth had miraculously reassem bled itself and returned to its ornate sanctuary where today it is still worshiped and adored. How tragic that the creation is worshipped more than the Creator! But even if one of these ancient teeth still exists Buddha, himself, is dead and his body has returned to the dust of the earth. Not so with our resurrected Lord, He is our Risen, living Saviour. It is He whom we adore! "Prayer is not a means of getting our will done through heaven, but a desire to have God's will done on earth through us." * * * W H A T ARE WE DOING w ith our hours? In all honesty, we must ad m it that we waste many of them — hours that could be used for the Lord. It was said of Abraham Lincoln that he became an avid reader in his early years. In sarcasm a neigh bor asked, “What are you trying to do, Abe, in studying law all the time — do you expect ip become President some day?” Years later, are you, as a Chris tian, found ready w ith the same an swer?
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