knowledge of salvation where we not only believe with the mind and in tellect, but have allowed it to affect our own hearts and lives. It must be head knowledge plus heart knowledge that affects all of one’s life. Q . Denver, Colorado. “Does Matthew 24:31 refer to the Christian today?” A. Verse 31 reads: “And he (the Lord) shall send forth his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gath er together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” The difficulty lies in the fact that some individuals, when they come across the word “elect”, regardless of where they find it in the Bible, think that it refers to the Christian. That is not true. Believers, today, are elpct. We read in Ephesians 3:1-5 that we are chosen in Him. That is for the be liever, but by the same token, the first verse of Deuteronomy indicates that Israel is chosen . . . “You have I chosen from among all the peoples of the earth.” In Amos 3:2 we find the words: “You only have I known of .all the families of the earth: therefore I will visit upon you all your iniquities.” Now how do we know winch group is meant here? Is it the elect of the Old Testament — Israel, or the elect of our own day? The only way to make clear judgment here is to read the en tire 24th chapter of Matthew. He was talking to His disciples upon the Mount of Olives —■it was a part of the Olivet Discourse. They had asked Him when would these things (the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple) be, and what would be the sign of His coming? (That is His visible coming). They knew nothing about the Rapture in Is rael or of the end of the age — the age of Law. Further confirmation is in Matthew 24:15: “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desola tion spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place (whoso readeth let him understand) . . .” may we em phasize that He does not want us to misunderstand—“. . . let them that 28
QUESTIONS (continued) Yes. Let us have the meaning of the word Pentateuch: it is derived from two Greek words penta—meaning five, and teuchos—meaning book. So Penta teuch means five books: Genesis, Exo dus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteron omy. Did Moses write the Pentateuch? Yes. And how do we know that he wrote the Pentateuch? Moses was not bom in the time of the events of the Book of Genesis, but from Exodus on we read how the Lord said to Moses that he should write this in the book. That he should reduce those things to writing for the generations to come. And how do we know that Moses wrote the Pentateuch? Because it is based on exactly the same evidence that tells us in the first place that there ever was a man by the name of Moses in the history of the world. Q. Is there any indication that Moses wrote any other of the books of the Bible? A. Well, there are some who think that perhaps he wrote the Book of Job, but there is no definiteness about that. Let me add this: Ever so often we have a rash of opinion that so and so has dis covered another book of Moses. The Bible gives us no indication or authen ticity on the part of these. Now Moses may have written a num ber of other books for he was a man learned in all the manner of the Egyp tians. However, we have no indication of further writings by him. Q . Eugene, Oregon. “How does one know the difference between head and heart knowledge in salvation?” A. Head knowledge of salvation is sim ply an intellectual apprehension of truth. We recall the- passage stating that the devils believed and trembled. They have only an intellectual appre hension of God, but not a heart accep tance of Him. They know that God is but it does not affect their lives and they are among the lost to be in hell throughout all eternity. Now heart knowledge is the kind of
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