in an unsettled world? The problem is a double standard practiced by the older generation.” As an example Dr. Farnsworth stated, “Traffic and parking regulations are usually ignored and evaded by or dinary drivers as well as by police and other government officials. Musicians of mediocre quality have gained much more money in a few months making recordings of off-color songs than seri ous and well trained musicians earn in several years or even a lifetime. Parents attack schools for not having created an atmosphere sufficient enough to prevent cheating when their chil dren are caught cheating; and yet, there is growing evidence supporting the general acceptance of the idea that stealing from a large organization is of a different order of importance or ser iousness than stealing from an individ ual. “Striving for excellence is hard work, embarrassing, and may even cost mon ey. It is far easier for adults to ignore the whole problem and engage in some escape devices either private ones or public ones. The list of private escape hazards includes sedatives, peace of mind pills, alcoholism, and keeping so busy that there is no time to think.” What a tragedy is facing our Nation presenting to our teenagers stumbling blocks over which they cannot climb. Without Christ and Christ-like Chris tians as examples, they must surely fall. Kipling said, “The sins which ye commit two by two, ye pay for one by. one.” Our philosophy has tended to ward the area that because everyone does it, the established custom must make it right. A modem author refers to today’s U th Commandment as “Don’t get caught.” Howard WTiitman asks, “Do we define a deed as being right or wrong depending upon whether we can get away with it? That since there’s a little larceny in everyone, then a lot of larceny will put us much further ahead?” I doubt very much whether the sin David committed with Bathsheba would be censored today. 34
CRISIS IN M O RA LITY (continued) one another’s homes and swap mates for the night. The arresting detective said, “I have been a vice officer for 11 years and never have I seen anything like this before.” At this point I would like to quote how some of the sociologists feel. This problem does not lie in the province of the ministry alone to handle. Dr. Dana L. Farnsworth, Director of Health Services at Harvard University is here quoted: “How can parents and those who work with families, help young people find significance and fulfillment Y O U R W I L L I S I M P O R T A N T If you do not have a will to ex press your desire, your estate (wheth er large or small) may be completely distributed by the courts in a way that you would never have done. Hundreds of Christians, though faithful in every other service for the Lord, have neglected to write a will. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THIS! For a Christian not to make a w ill is in effect telling the world, “/ have no irfferest in any part of my estate going into the Lords work.” Our BIOLA Stewardship depart ment is ready to help you, and to counsel with you concerning estate matters. Attorneys have cooperated with our Christian friends and helped them in preparing wills that are Christ-honoring and true to the exact wishes of the individual. We have prepared a PERSONAL ESTATE FACTS booklet to preserve vital information to help in the ad ministration of your estate. This is free for the asking. Fill out the form below and mail to STEWARDSHIP DEPARTMENT, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 55 8 So. Hope St:, Los Angeles 17, California. Please send ESTATE FACTS book let. Name .................................................. Address ........................................... . City ... ................................................. State .............................. Zone .........
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