2020 Veterans Day





Thank you for your service

Service in the family Tim Johnson / The North Platte Telegraph Bob Perlinger sits outside his home in Paxton as he holds a photo taken af- ter he was drafted into the Army in 1945. He is one of seven Perlinger brothers who served in the military and among the three who were active during World War II.

Bob Perlinger was 3rd of 7 brothers from Paxton to serve

est brother, Joe, was stationed in California and received a medical discharge. His oth- er older brother, Joe, spent two years sta- tioned over in France and Germany as a sup- ply truck driver. “One time he backed up and hit a bomb and it turned the truck upside down,” said Perlinger, who was an Artillery Division member and worked as a cook. “That big-ol’ metal railings and box (fastened) on the top of (the vehicle) didn’t cave in or else he might have been in trouble. He was pretty lucky to get out of that.” Perlinger never got to go overseas. The war ended while he was sta- tioned at Fort Knox, Kentucky. “(The sergeants) sat all (the cadets) down and said, ‘We have some good news for you

Street in Paxton.

By TIM JOHNSON tim.johnson@ nptelegraph.com

Bob was the third-

oldest of the seven Perlinger boys — all who served in the mil- itary and all but one in the Army. That brother joined the Air Force. Perlinger was called into service on June 25, 1945, the third member of the fami- ly to be drafted during World War II. His old-

Bob Perlinger will tell you stories of his and his brothers’ mil- itary experiences. He will recite one key fact as well. “We all made it through alive,” the 95-year-old recently said as he sat outside his house on East Fourth


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