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HEURE DETOMBÉE Mardi à 9h30 DEADLINE Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.
Les petites annonces sont payables à l’avance. Classified ads are paid in advance. 15¢ lemot additionnel • 15¢ additional word
ROCKLAND: Condo, Place Clément, 2 CAC, 1000pi, premier plan- cher, unité de coin, ap- pareils ménagers in- clus, A/C, remise, salle de lavage, disponible 1 août ou septembre, 1050$/mois. Non-fu- meurs, pas d’animaux. (613)673-7238 ou (613)863-3093. ROCKLAND , rue Lau- rier est, 2 CAC, 2ième étage, balcon, grande cour, entrée privée ar- rière. Inclus; poêle, ré- frigérateur, 1 station- nement, chauffée et air climatisé, non in- clus: électricité et fac- ture d’eau, 875$/mois. (613)724-1559 ROCKLAND , 1 CAC, poêle et réfrigérateur inclus, 795$/mois les services inclus, dispo- nible 1er août. (613)833-0659 apartment available now, fridge, stove, washer, dryer, heat included “ra- diant flooring”, one parking, storage avai- lable at extra cost. $ 1 , 0 9 5 / m o n t h . (613)229-2613 1740 Laurier Street. 1 and 2 bedrooms apartments. Centrally located, close to all amenities. Re- cently renovated. Bright and clean. Inclu- ded: heat water, one parking. $775- $875/month plus elec- tricity. No smoking, no pets. Contact Lisa. (613)552-8534 ROCKLAND , LAURIER, 1026 2 be- droom ROCKLAND,
HAWKESBURY , 1 CAC, chauffé, éclairé, rénové, 725$/mois. 2 CAC, fraîchement peint, 750$/mois, chauffé, pas éclairé. Références. (613)419- 1264 (613)612-9969 ORLÉANS, maison en rangée, 3 CAC, 4 ap- pareils, cuisine réno- vée, plancher en bois, cour clôturée, eau et stationnement inclus. 1150$/mois plus servi- ces, gaz naturel. Dis- ponible immédiate- ment. 613-229-4795. P L A N T A G E N E T , condo 2 CAC, prise laveuse, sécheuse, 1 er étage, stationnement, 800$ non chauffé, non éclairé, libre 1 er août; ( 6 1 3 ) 7 2 0 - 7 1 2 1 , (613)324-1713. ROCKLAND - 1179 Caron, 2 CAC, poêle, réfrigérateur, laveuse et sécheuse inclus. 830$/mois + hydro. Disponible 1er août. Gilles (613)446-5750 ROCKLAND , 2 be- drooms condo, gas fire- place, whirlpool, air ex- changer, 2 parkings, $1150/month, no heat, no hydro. Snow remo- val, lawn maintenance included. Available im- mediately. 613-883- 3119.
ROCKLAND, 204 Elliot Street, upper end unit, #602, 2 bedroom condo, 4 appliances, fi- replace, vaulted ceiling, balcony, laundry, cen- tral A/C, quiet location and walking distance to all amenities, 2 par- kings, $1,225/month plus utilities. Available September 1st. (613)804-5090 ROCKLAND 2095 Vic- toria Street, Central Lo- cation, large 2 bdrm 1,000 sq. ft. Large bal- cony. Laundry room in aprt. quiet building. In- cluded: water, storage and parking. No car- pets. No pets. No ap- pliances. Available September 1st. 950$/month + hydro. (613)324-2576 ROCKLAND: 3175 Old Hwy 17 , apt. #4 , 1 be- droom, river view apt. $760/month, heat and hydro included. (613)446-5775 ROCKLAND CANAAN ROAD, next to Double D Ranch, 1 bedroom renovated basement apt. Included 5 applian- ces, heat, A/C. No smoking, no pets, $675/month plus hydro. (613)889-2032 ROCKLAND CEN- TRAL. 2 CAC, 850$/mois, pas chauf- fé, pas éclairé, pas d’appareils ménagers, 1 grand stationnement. Libre immédiatement. (613)325-0415 ROCKLAND , condo, immaculate, 2 be- droom, 5 new applian- ces, freshly painted, available end of Au- gust, $1,050/month plus utilities. Parking and storage included. Call (613)867-3990
Terrains, terres et fermes Lots, land & farms 9
BRAND NEW! TER- RACE CONDOS IN MORRIS VILLA- G E / ROC K L A N D . $500 cash back. 2 models 1,250 or 1,450 square feet “approx” 2 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, certi- fied Energy Star, cen- tral air, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer, dryer, microwave, open concept living and dining room. hardwood floors, in- unit storage and laun- dry room, balcony, and one parking. Walking distance to all schools and local amenities. Pricing from $1,125 to $1,255/month. Call (613)229-2613. CASSELMAN, newly renovated 2 bedroom, $950/month plus utili- ties. Available imme- diately. New applian- ces, oak cabinetry, la- minated, ceramic throu- ghout, A/C. 613-240- 5960 CLARENCE CREEK 1 appartement au deuxième plancher. 1 CAC, stationnement. 670$/mois plus servi- ces. Idéal pour person- ne seule ou couple. ( 6 1 3 ) 4 8 8 - 3 3 9 9 . (613)314-5616 HAMMOND , 2 be- drooms, fridge, stove, washer, dryer and par- king, 700$/month, no heat, no light. Availa- ble. (613)446-4927
Divers vendre Miscellaneous for sale
Logis - Condos louer Apartments -
Autos et
Camions Cars & Trucks
Condos for rent
ACHETONS auto, ca- mion de toutes sortes pour ferraille. Payons comptant. (613)880- 9975. (613)673-1168
ALFRED, 3 bedroom apartment , 2 nd floor, hardwood & tile floors, washer, dryer hook-up, parking, gas heating, $1075. heat, Hydro included, availa- ble; 1(877)870-3432. BOURGET . 2 bedroom apt. with walk-out large patio and yard, 4 ap- pliances, heated + hy- dro, no animals, non smoker. $850/month. References. Available immediately. (613)791- 0826 large
WENDOVER , 4.2 acres, 409 pieds sur la Nation. Peut faire 2 lots. 360,000$ (613)446-6344
NICE QUALITY CULTIVATED WHITE CEDARS FOR HEDGES . 3’, 4’ and 5’ Visit the farm to view the quality of the cedars On appointment. No charge for Clarence-Rockland delivery. Bernie (613)446-6741.
Commerces/ Immeubles ( vendre ou louer) Business/Properties (For sale or rent)
CENTRAL ROC- KLAND , 2475 rue Laurier, 1800pi.cac., grand stationnement, li- bre immédiatement. (613)325-0415
Offre d’emploi Job offer
Coiffeuse recherchée avec clientèle. Pour joindre notre équipe dynamique. Looking for hairdresser with clients to join our dynamic team s.v.p. contacter • please contact Mélanie 613-446-1612 G186369_TS
OFFRE D’EMPLOI Salle de réception de mariages recherche personnes énergiques pour travailler les vendredis, samedis et dimanches. Envoyer votre c.v. à beantown@magma.ca
HELP WANTED Wedding banquet hall seeks energetic people, willing to work on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Email resume to beantown@magma.ca
JOBOFFER / OFFRED’EMPLOI Compagnie de paysagement locale recherche un contractuel JOURNALIER Permisdeconduirevalide. Expérience avec skid steer/ excavatrice un atout. Local commercial landscaping contractor looking for a LABOURER Valid driver’s licence. Experience w/ skid steer/excavator
is looking for an experienced Graphic Designer Requirements : • MINIMUM 5 years of experience • Excellent knowledge of INDESIGN is a must! (CS4 - InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator) • Bilingual (french and english), written and spoken; • Must be dynamic, creative and have determination; • Must be a team player with a minimum of supervison • Must be able to work under pressure in a fast paste environment with various deadlines
613-850-5744 La maison du store DOUCHES Spécialiste du Système Schluter Vente - Design - Installation
an asset. Full Time. Salary to be negotiated upon experience.
Temps plein. Salaire à être négocié selon expérience.
Fax: 613 488-2734 or e-mail info@dbcontracting.net
3433, chemin Gendron, Hammond ON
Salary : Competitive salary and benefits
Starting date: As soon as possible
We are looking for one full-time technician with knowledge in digital photo manipulation. Requirements: • Experience with Photoshop and MS Office software is necessary • Bilingualism and experience in graphic arts would be an asset • Must be available Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. • Be bondable and able to work in an office environment. We provide full training of our custom software, as well as a competitive salary. We require a background security check. Please email your resume to: norm.goulet@addedtouchphoto.ca
Une compagnie local en voie d’expansion recherche un/une technicien/ne en photo numérique. Exigences requises : • Doit posséder une bonne connaissance du logiciel Photoshop et MS Office • Doit être bilingue et avoir un certificat dans le domaine desArts graphiques serait un avantage • Doit être disponible du lundi au vendredi de 8 h 30 à 16 h 30 • Doit être capable de fonctionner dans un environnement de bureau Nous offrons un salaire compétitif et offrons la formation. Nous demanderons une vérification de sécurité.
Please submit resumé to: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. a/s Roger Duplantie, General Manager 1100 Aberdeen Street Hawkesbury, Ontario K6A 1K7 Tel.: 613 632-4151 • Fax: 613 632-6383 Or email to: roger.duplantie@eap.on.ca
S.V.P. faire parvenir votre C.V. à : norm.goulet@addedtouchphoto.ca
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